Why a live computer training class is better than an online course


In today’s digital age, learning computer skills is essential, whether you want to learn the basics of computer, graphic design, programming, WordPress, web development, or digital marketing.

There are various options to learn computer skills online and offline. Each online learning option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In this blog post, we’re focused on which option is best for students to learn computer skills online more effectively and quickly.

So we will compare two of the most popular options: Online Courses and One-to-One Live Training Sessions.

One-on-One Live Computer Training vs. Online Courses

1. Mode of Instruction

Mode of instructions

One-on-one live computer training entails real-time, personalized interactions between you and an instructor, using platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet. On the other hand, online courses typically offer self-paced learning, granting access to pre-recorded video lectures and materials.

If you’re an experienced professional or a highly disciplined learner, online courses may be suitable for you. However, for beginners, especially those looking for a more personalized and interactive approach, one-on-one live computer training classes are more beneficial.

2. Interaction Options

With one-on-one training, you have direct access to instructors, allowing you to ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and receive personalized guidance.

In contrast, online courses often limit interaction to discussion forums, emails, or occasional webinars.

3. Student-Friendly

3. Student-Friendly

While online courses can accommodate many students, making them cost-effective for educators and institutions, one-on-one training is more suitable for students seeking personalized attention, and quicker learning, where fees matter less.

Not all professionals can teach 1 hour daily. It’s because they know selling online courses is more beneficial for them. But those passionate teachers might take even 3 classes (3 hours) each day. But they will satisfied by teaching not just by money. And also education is not a product it’s a service.

4. Time Efficiency

4. Time Efficiency

Online courses can be time-consuming because you may need to seek external resources to clarify doubts or re-watch modules. In live computer training classes, instructors will teach specific topics each day at a fixed time, and all discussions on that day will focus on that topic. Once topic A is clear and understood by the student, the instructor will move to the next topic.

5. Personalized Course Syllabus

5. Personalized Course Syllabus

In one-on-one live classes, you can customize your syllabus, avoiding unnecessary content. In contrast, online courses may include topics you already know, leading to wasted time and money.

For example, if you want to learn Python development and have already covered the basics, you can request to start learning from Django or Flask, and so on. Similarly, if you have a basic understanding of Word and Excel but struggle with creating forms, reports, flyers, and brochures on your own, the instructor can guide you through the exercises.

Related: Best Basic computer course syllabus for beginners

6. Consistency in Learning

6. Consistency in Learning

Live training classes often have set schedules, maintaining consistency and discipline. This is essential to learn any type of IT skills online.

So live training classes maintain consistency in learning. A good and responsible computer instructor, whether offline or online, is typically a professional teacher.

They have established habits and a fixed schedule to follow each day. For example, if they have decided to hold your class from 6 PM to 7 PM, you can count on that time each day for learning.

This helps maintain consistency and discipline in the learning process, which is essential for acquiring both technical and non-technical skills.

Related: How does learning computer skills boost your self-confidence?

7. Negotiable Fees

Live computer training class fees are negotiable, enabling you to discuss the cost with the instructor. The fee structure can be tailored to factors such as class duration, syllabus, and monthly plans. In contrast, online courses typically have fixed prices with limited opportunities for discounts.

8. Learning Experience

In live sessions, you’re not alone; an instructor guides you. You will never lack motivation. Even if you feel a lack of motivation, the instructor will boost your motivation and can inspire you. This way, you will never give up. In online courses, however, the journey can be solitary. Once you lose confidence or encounter a difficult part of the course, it’s easier to give up.

9. Online Courses Are Inexpensive, but Inexpensive Doesn’t Necessarily Mean It’s Good for learners or beginners:

Many people purchase online courses because they are priced inexpensively. They are priced this way to attract a larger number of students, and the company or course producers make money based on quantity. It’s clear that everyone appreciates affordability.

However, there are individuals who prioritize quality, personal attention, learning speed, and performance tracking. For them, buying a cheap course or product can feel like a waste of time.

10. Relevance and Up-to-Date Content:

In live training classes, you can assess instructors in real time and request the latest content. You can also take advantage of instructor experience by asking about career and course-specific business or income uses.

Online courses may have outdated information or rely on fraudulent reviews while making buying decisions.

11. Performance Tracking

Live sessions often include assignments to evaluate your progress and ensure you’re on the right track.

12. Student vs. Customer

With online courses, you’re treated by the platform as a user or customer, while in live training courses, you’re a student. Both are approached differently and have distinct perspectives.

So the choice is yours. If you can self-study and learn computer skills consistently, track your progress independently, and thrive with minimal guidance, then online courses may be the best option for you.

However, if you seek personalized guidance tailored to your career and business goals, as well as a more hands-on approach to learning, live one-on-one training classes are likely a better fit.

While the cost may vary, with a course priced at $5 and an instructor at $100 per month, the benefits of investing in the instructor’s guidance become evident, as explained above.

The ultimate goal is to learn computer skills more effectively and rapidly so that you can seize the career and business development opportunities that are currently trending.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your learning style, the specific skills you want to acquire, and your budget. Consider your preferences and goals when making this decision.

So I’ve shared my perspective on these online learning options now, I’m curious to hear your thoughts. What’s your opinion on the choice between online courses and live one-on-one training for learning computer skills?

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