Uses of Search Engine Marketing Skills


Search engine marketing is one of the most important digital marketing skill. Search engines are used to show advertisement related to the queries/keywords in the top of the search results/sidebar that people type to search for information, products. There are various types of advertisements that are mostly in use such as Pay Per Click, Display Ads, Shopping Ads, Videos ads etc.

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Search Engine Marketing helps businesses to get traffic to the website, more leads, and sales in quick time. To understand search engine marketing effectively, let’s take the example of Google search engine website to understand how search engine marketing works:

Google Ads – Search Engine Marketing – Uses Search Engine Marketing

When you search on Google for “Wedding flowers online” or “Wedding Flowers”. You will find the advertisements that are displayed by Google automatically in the top of the search results and in the sidebar. And mostly these are identified by the words “Ad”, Sponsored”. This is a Pay Per Click Campaign Ads.

search engine marketing example - how it works

search engine marketing side bar example

After the search when people visit other websites/blogs they see wedding flower advertisement banners that are more creative, contains audio/videos/text/images/ etc. These are display ads. Also used for retargeting the user based on his/her behaviors on shopping sites, search engine keywords, and min. last 30 days uses of the web. Retargeting or remarketing is an important part of online marketing and paid advertising.

“Wedding Flowers Online” or “Wedding Flowers” are the keywords (search queries) that are selected by flower sellers to showcase their advertisements whenever people search on Google and visit partner sites.

When someone clicks on the ad or people click on that advertisement to order the flowers for wedding purposes then flowers seller have to pay Google as per the CPC, CPM. It’s because the flower seller used Google Search Engine to showcase its advertisement based on the keywords. The price varies for various keywords related to the wedding the flowers/locations.

And sellers/marketers/businesses can choose any type of keywords to showcase advertisements based on the products/services they want to promote and sell. Mostly the selection and creation of search engine ads are based on search engine marketing strategy.

In this search engine marketing strategy there are many things that are included by sellers/search engine marketer/businesses such as selection of specific keywords that people can search. For example wedding flowers online or wedding flowers. Google provides keyword research tools for advertisers to find out what people are searching on google. The application is Google Keyword Planner that advertiser uses to discover the right keywords, prices, search volume, and competition. And use Google Analytics for reporting.

Learn moreUses of Digital Marketing Skills

Skills and abilities required for search engine marketing works, job, business.

  • Keyword Selection: It’s an important skill that helps to find and select a relevant keyword for search engine marketing campaign.
  • Selection of the right ad campaign: It’s important to select the right advertisement that has a high potential for clicks. There are PPC ads, video ads, shopping ads, display ads etc. If the PPC ad campaign is successful for travel agency advertisement then it’s not the surety that it will work successfully for an e-commerce website product advertisement.
  • Campaign management: Advertisement campaign management is one of the most important skills that help in ads creation, how much to spend and when which location need to target and when an ad needs improvement and tracking and reporting of an ad campaign data analysis for future decision etc. are the some of the works that require strategic skills and creativity.
  • Learning skills: It’s important to learn, how competitors are advertising and managing the campaign. Which keywords they are targeting. How they are creating ads. How many platforms or advertisement formats they are using etc. are important skills that helped to get more calls, leads, and sales.
  • Landing page design and optimization: The real goal of every client or business is to get leads and more sales. It’s not important for them that you advertise on social media, use video ads, display network, and PPC. The goal is not an advertisement but sales/leads. Search engine or online advertisement is a process to get more leads online. And in this process landing page play most important role.

A landing page is a place on the website where people visit/find information/see the product and make the decision to purchase. It can be a simple product page/service page or specifically designed landing page. It can be one page for all products and it can be separate for each product. There are various landing page practices that help to convert more visitors from advertising into leads/customers.

So it’s important to learn about landing page. Optimization of content, product, information as per the target customers is important for the success of the ad campaign.

Additionally, it’s important to have communication skills so that ad creation is human-friendly. Not only that, but knowledge of SEO, Content Writing, Google Analytics, HTML/CSS is also essential. Graphics Design skills also helpful when you’re the only person who is handling the complete project for the client.  

That’s it, friends I know so far about search engine marketing. I hope it was helpful for you.

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