Top 5 things you can do to grow your business after the corona pandemic


Growing a small business fast is not that easy. But by following certain rules and strategy it’s not impossible. Uncertain and corona pandemic situation impacted the businesses, supply, demand, and consumption negatively.

So, in this case, to grow a business it’s more difficult than ever. But to make it easy you have to follow certain business growth strategies and I believe that it will help you to increase your demands, business and revenue slowly but steadily.

So let’s get started:

1. Put your 100% energy to make one thing successful:

Before lockdown or COVID-19, you might be working on 2 or 3 products and businesses. But right now, and from June month you have to focus on making one product, shop, service, website, blog, YouTube channel successful.

Select your most revenue-generating product and work. And try to think every morning to make it big. Double the quality. Double the production. Double the speed. And you will be able to double the revenue.

The other reason for working on one product that you will be able to put your 100% energy and work on the one thing. And because in an uncertain situation, you have to select your options one by one in business. Not all at one time.

If you in case fail in 1 then you can work on 2nd. But if you’re working on 3 to 5 things in one time but working slowly, and then fail later, then it’s more costly than failing fast.

2. Speed up your production and distribution:

When you put your 100% effort, energy, skills, and experience in one product it will naturally double your production speed. While this strategy might not be best for all kinds of businesses, but those running an online business, selling online, marketing online, content creators, and those products and services are in the essential category can do it.

Others can also do it, it’s because at this time they can increase their production if they think that in the future the cost of production will be higher.

Learn more: How to create an internet marketing plan for your business

3. Be brave to market your products and services online:

I am personally not sure that your classical or traditional approach can help you to grow your business. This time you have to take new challenges. But the challenges are worth fighting. Marketing online reduces your cost, give you more customers, and increase your revenue.

Learn moreExamples, how to be innovative in Business

 4. Try new things and get feedback:

You don’t need to start another business if you’re already generating revenue in your current business and product. But in the same business, you have to try new things.

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For example, you’re running offline sanitary items store offline. Now you can try social media marketing to get orders. You can try to list your shop on Google my business listing. You can start selling online. You can start advertising. Whatever you try, at least you will learn and get feedback. And if you’re able to generate revenue from trying new things then what’s better than that.

But it cost you money and time, and it’s a business risk. But risk-taking is very important to grow. And at this time, it matters a lot. But you can reduce the risk by learning and working hard.

Learn more: How to get back your business in the growth mode

 5. Spend less time in discussion and more in implementation:

It’s not a time to criticize yourself or feel bad about your past business mistakes. It’s time to learn fast from your past mistakes.  For example, in the past, you haven’t saved 10% of business revenue as a backup. And due to that, you paid your people from your personal savings in this lockdown or COVID-19 situation. But if you need money for your personal obligations then what you will do.

That’s why make a commitment that you will not repeat the mistakes again. You will learn fast and work from now in a new way.

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6. Follow revenue-generating schedule:

This time you don’t have much money to spend. Nor you have time to spend on watching movies and video series. This time your schedule should be on the things that will generate revenue in your business.

7. Never ignore learning, learn new things fast:

If in the past, you haven’t learned any new business techniques then no problem. But don’t repeat this mistake. You know that there are many online courses, books, and business coaching programs for business owners. It’s time to use them. It’s time to learn and implement fast.

Related: Top 5 most useful online courses that you can do in June 2020

Conclusion: While the above solution can look normal and odd. And many can disagree. But that’s ok. Everyone’s business strategy is different. You can’t fix yourself to a single strategy in uncertain situations. So, try different tips in your business and those you think and believe will work then do that and after that repeat the success.

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