Top 4 benefits of working as a freelancer


Freelancing businesses provide great work advantages for freelancers. Freelancing means you are free. Freelancing is a lifestyle business. Anyone can hire you because you are free. Anyone can talk to you because you are free. Free people are tough to find nowadays.

Everyone is busy, so freelancing is not for busy people. I mean freelancers manage their time; they are flexible and free to enjoy other things in life. This is not a 9 to 5 work scheduled job or you can think we can work when we want.

I don’t think so, I think it is our choice when we want to work or when we want to earn money. Clients know that we are freelancers and they just want to complete their job within time. Sometimes there is urgency, in that case, the client wants an immediate response. But it is most important to manage your time as a freelancer.
It is for people who work with full dedication and hard work for the clients remotely.


According to me, it depends on you, and how efficiently you work on your strengths. You can earn hourly or at fixed prices. But if you are a beginner just start with a fixed-priced small project. The minimum hourly rate is $3 and the maximum… .. I don’t know yet. Charge according to work, but it is mostly decided by clients.

For example, if you are doing an offline job in the private sector the average salaries in India are started from 10000 to 50000. And you know the hustle in the private sector. But if you started with Upwork the result is different. If your hourly price is $4 and you worked for 7 hours from your home. Then your monthly income is near about 400000 to 50000 thousand. It is also with the fixed-priced job. But there are a few rules and strategies you have to follow.

There are examples you can see, what I mean to say about the income. But my suggestion is don’t think about the money too much. Just start to build relationships with good clients. And they pay you what you truly deserve.
Ok, just spend some time researching previous earning results on Upwork. Just start doing it part-time, and if you see it good or great! Then you know what is best for you.

At this point, people are sayings on the web that the future is not secure, tough to get a job on a regular basis. The facts are true sometimes. I think differently on this point with a well-known fact, no one knows about the future.

But if you want to earn 50000 to 100000 rupees from home with full freedom and flexibility then ignore everything else and follow the upwork guidelines. Treat this like a business, with thousands of people working full time. They also started part-time businesses on the web with the help of Upwork and freelancing platforms while they are doing freelancing. I am just exploring the facts. You need to collect the data and analyze information and then decide ‘what is best for you?


The reason behind fear is the lack of knowledge. But once you get the knowledge about it how it works, the world is under your fingers. Yes, clients want growth in their business by hiring you. Clients know what is important for the growth of the business, by taking your help. Your duty is to fully support your clients and provide the solutions they want. In this process of taking and giving, you learn many life lessons, technical lessons, and wider knowledge.

For example, if you are better in A and you are honest and dedicated then clients want to do the B, C D, and E under the same category. People are paying higher fees on the web to get the latest and updated knowledge. And on Upwork, some clients even teach you, motivate you, and pay you. Some clients even share the videos courses, podcasts etc.

Everyone wants money, you too. But we get more money only when we access our full potential. Clients access your talents; you have to be flexible for accessibility. Up and downs are part of communication and thinking but the end results are great. You can’t get those benefits in offline jobs.
In other words, I want to say that no one going to teach you, no one has time, and they are paying you for work, not for teaching. And it is ok- it depends on you. You need to explore your creativity. You have to learn from their particular actions.

You can learn how they communicate, you can learn how they are dealing with the people like you, and you can learn from their dedication and hard work. Yes, clients are filled with advanced and profitable knowledge. It depends on you, how do you access that knowledge?

My suggestion at this point is that you just be honest. Explain what you know and what you have to learn. They are humans, not robots, ask and explain. They will understand. But not all clients are the same. You get good clients in this freelancing journey if you’re providing results on a timely basis with quality. They pay you for your hard work, honesty, and dedication. Learn the knowledge here from the great Steve Jobs (Apple founder) Steve jobs rule for success


If you can treat freelancing as a business you have more freedom than offline jobs. In freelancing, there is no other boss than you. You can schedule working time. You are free to work where you want, whenever you want, whatever you want. This will give you time to enjoy your life with your family and friends. You are free to choose the work, you are free to set your own price for a particular project, and you are free if you do not feel ok to work. But you need to manage your freedom and time.
Tips: Time Management tips that help to earn more money
In this life, we are fighting for freedom. In another way no one is free. But if you completed your job before lunchtime, then you are free to spend the rest of the time on creative things or for family growth. You cannot leave it offline until office time is over; even if you completed your tasks before lunch. In an offline job, we waste our most of time without purpose.

If we want growth in our career we can’t wait for the next assignment, we can’t wait for the whole day, we are doing a job it doesn’t mean you can spend time unintentionally.
Personally, I was feeling depressed at that time when I was doing my job offline. I was teaching at that time in a private institution but I can’t leave the office even though I have taken my classes.
If you belong from a small city and you have enough skills to earn more. Or if you want to support your family or you want to earn extra money, I don’t think it is possible if you do not try to do the right work. Yes, productivity is essential to earn more, but productivity means you’re doing the right work.
I always said that never live your whole life on one income source. Never live your life doing one thing again and again. Accept what you are getting but try new things regularly. Explore your full potential; never restrict your abilities for the sake of convincing others. Steve Jobs said Life is what is created by the people around you if you do not like it if you are not satisfied. Then it is the right time to change it, and influence it because you are smarter than the people around you.

My suggestion is just to do it! I followed and followed this formula every time I was feeling frustrated, depressed, or unsatisfied. Yes, we need to learn, just invest some time for the future. Learn a few things daily that direct you to live a better life.
Important thing is that do not use freedom to disturb others’ life. Use freedom to learn more and earn more. Explore yourself as much as possible.


Flexibility is the most recommended in work from the age of 25 to 35. Freelancing provides the flexibility of choosing work hours. Freelancing provides us the options when we need to switch or when we need to update our profile. Flexible people do things differently, they are ready for the challenges, they want to help and they like it. Freelancing as a career is challenging but once you have enough clientele then it is easy for to you work on your conditions.

Not every work or client is sometimes as flexible as we think.
You can work even from your bed, you can take breaks, and you can enjoy other similar things while you’re working from home. It is a great concept to work from home. It is also a great option for housewives and girls to grow their careers. Freelancing provides us great flexibility in finance, and lifestyle other than offline jobs.

Getting benefits from freelancing is also dependent on freelancers. Also, there are various disadvantages but that’s what challenge freelancer to become successful. Success comes when we defeat difficulties.

Here you can learn: How to become a successful freelancer

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