Introduction of Leadership with examples


Introduction of Leadership: Leadership is the process of actions and operations, creativity, and emotions of mind, body, and soul.

A leader is one who inspires (Self/Others) for the fulfillment of the mind, body, nature, and the activities of the environment to a particular purpose in business, career, and life.

He works for the (Self/Others) foundation of the mind, body, nature’s relationship, attachment, separation, and action.

In this post, you will learn what is leadership. How leadership works. How do develop leadership skills? How we do it and our understanding of it. And how we teach leadership. There are already many definitions and explanations of leadership. They are very good and evergreen.

Explore: Top 5 Leadership and management courses online

Some of the explanations are in this video

But here you will learn technical, spiritual, and creative angles of leadership. And I hope it will help you the way you want. So let’s start.

There are top 3 things that I am able to research in leadership:  “Leader+ User (follower) + Object (situation, physical products, and thoughts).

Following are the examples to understand the above definitions of Leadership:-

1. The process of performing a ritual for their child by the parents is leadership. The child is the follower here and the parents are the leaders of the child, deciding what is best for him. The object here is the situation in which the child has to make adjustments between the present and future activities.

Also, by listening to, understanding, seeing, and experiencing the daily activities of his parents, he will develop the ability to make decisions for himself. The better parents are at understanding the child and the situation, the better they will be able to do those actions that constitute good parenting, guiding, and handling. The whole process is leadership.

2. As the child grows up, there are times when the child does not have anyone with him. So after calling for his mother and not finding her there to help, the child is taking the lead, understanding the environment, and making the next decision according to the wait and consideration involved.

Now in this case object (situation when he/she is feeling alone) is the user, the child becomes the leader and the brain is the follower. It’s because the brain has to make adjustments according to the direction of the child’s (Soul) such as playing with siblings or toys until the mother comes back. (There could also be a situation where the older child steps up to take responsibility for the younger child.)

Now the child is the leader because he/she is handling the situation, providing the right direction to mind and his brother or sister (such as playing with toys), and keeping up hope because the mother will definitely come. The whole process is leadership. In this example, the child is in a different situation now he/she is a leader, but in the 1st example, he/she is just a follower and his/her parents are the leader.

A Myth that people are holding is- “not all are leaders” 🙂 Actually, the above 2 examples are enough but I am telling you that we all play leadership and follower roles according to the time, situation, platform, workplace, and business a billion times in life.

3. Books are an important part of our life. Most people read a lot of books. When we read books, words become leaders and we (the soul) become followers while we are reading. And books are the object.

Everything that we see, touch, and feel is manifested in the form of a leader and a follower has to act according to the situation, demand, needs, desires, and actions.

But many fail to become leaders due to thought processes and lack of control of mind and body. When students learn from their teacher, the students are followers, the lessons are leaders and the teacher is an object.

Related: Why is leadership important in life

4. Absence of the boss in the workplace tests the leadership qualities of employees. If employees take charge of the business productivity and keep working towards the goals, then it’s because they are followers of the boss but also the leader when the boss is not present.

While many will take advantage of the absence of a boss and start using social media and gossip. They are the follower of their minds and habits. This is the process of leadership.

5. In tough situations, such as when everyone leaves the job at an owner’s business, the owner or founder is still working and believes that he/she will achieve success very soon.

What drives the person who is alone to become successful, is leadership. His/her mind is the follower of the soul and beliefs, thoughts, knowledge, and habits.

6. When we use mobile, computers and the internet or any kind of machine, the machine and process become the leader, and we become the follower.

It’s because we’re following the options and direction that software and websites are suggesting us do. So the website software becomes the leader and the machine, computer or mobile is just an object.

One more thing I want to add here is the fact that AI (artificial intelligence) is the leader and the user or operator is the follower. The leader is artificial and the follower is the real object. Read MoreHow can artificial intelligence benefit humans?

7. It’s natural that we are happy and sad many times in a day or week. The reason for this happiness and sadness is our minds. We make, position, and designate the mind as a leader of our body, soul, and life.

The mind is playful. He wants to do a lot, all together at the same time, he becomes greedy because of the show, he wants praise, and he wants money. And that’s why he puts himself and the working people together to get what he needs. And if he does not get it then he is angry, sad, and tortures others too.

And if he finds it, he is happy for a few days, makes a lot of ostentation, and then again he lingers to get something else. And thus his/her time keeps passing.

This happens when the mind becomes the owner and the owner (soul) becomes the employee. In fact, our mind is quite unhappy because it has to become the leader of our life, career, and business. But it becomes the leader automatically and it happens because we can not hear the voice of our soul and we do not follow the instinct. We act based on the temporary memory that is created or placed in our minds through various sources. But instincts or thoughts actually need to get developed organically not forcefully.

It’s because the mind is busy trying to convince other people, the mind is busy on social media, busy in debates, busy in arguments, busy on mobile, and many other daily life activities and materialistic showoffs. He (mind) does not have any time for the soul and it’s not working in the direction suggested by the soul, he is busy working on his own agenda and propaganda.

Therefore, when we do not give ourselves time to think of ourselves and talk to ourselves, then how will our soul become a leader?

So friends, remember, to become a leader but you have to become a follower at the same time. Your mind is a follower and your soul is the leader. Never ignore your voice of the heart and never control your soul through your mind. Make the mind a driver of your body but not the owner. The real owner is your soul.

In conclusion, leadership is when minds manage the commands and process of the soul’s purposes. Such leadership is very dangerous for the world, when one’s mind or show off, luxuries, reputation, and pomp is influencing other minds and souls negatively.

The best leadership is when one soul is influencing a billion people to believe, create opportunities, and control their minds and body in a positive way.

Do what your soul tells you to do, not what your mind says. If you are able to do it, you’re the leader of your life and then you will become successful in whatever you (your soul) want to do. The mind is a manager, (processors, compiler, integrators) and the soul is system software (operating system). Let them work together. Connect your mind and body, and let both will be agreed on your vision.

According to me, A Leader does not like followers he likes more leaders. Followers are good for managers and influencers but not good for leaders. 

But you don’t need to ignore the importance of the mind or Manager. It’s because in real life (business, career, lifestyle) we can’t live without a manager. The leader (soul) shows the Vision (Karam) but (Mind) manages the Karma. A leader does not need to worry about the profit, loss, reports, and presentations only the manager does the calculations.

So it looks like we are two. But in reality, we’re one. And we become one when our heart and mind focus on one thing, one thought, and one goal.

That’s it, friends. This is what I think about leadership and doing in my life and business.

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