Importance of social media marketing in business success


Social Media marketing is important to increase website traffic, achieve conversion goals, users engagements and business leads, brand awareness, business growth and community building goals faster.

And it’s easy to achieve marketing goals on Social Media because billion people are using social media platforms right now. That’s why it’s important to use social media marketing to your grow your small business and make it big.

Social Media marketing is important for getting regular clients and customers on the business website. All social media platform help to get targeted customers. That’s why every business is using unique social media marketing strategies.

And social media marketing companies, consultants are using creative and innovative ways to find new customers in lower cost.

There are many benefits of social media marketing for small business. Such as availability of marketing automation and monitoring tools. Marketing business through social media is the smart decision.

Almost all business owners, e-commerce players, affiliate marketers, bloggers, news websites and everyone is taking advantages of marketing through social media.

Top 10 Productive Benefits of Social Media Marketing

  1. You can change your marketing budget anytime according to the user flow in real time.
  2. You can find new customers based on their interest.
  3. You have options to promote your business with Video ads, Text Ads, Display ads etc.
  4. You can advertise your business in the local market and in special demographics.
  5. You can create an event, you can write notes and also communicate with your clients in real time by starting a live video. That can help you to engage people with content and services solutions.
  6. You can easily manage your ad campaigns from anywhere on any device.
  7. Not only you can promote but also it’s possible to sell products in real time.
  8. A Billion users already engaged with content, so it’s easy to capture the tone and advertise with customers angles. And it will create higher CTR and growth in your conversion rate.
  9. Social media help you build trust and you can connect with people personally.
  10. You have options to create and build a strong community on Social Media websites with people those are interested and engaged with your content and products. And the community inspires other people to join your product page, event, and brand.

Social media has a great role in increasing website traffic. Social Networking websites massively expand brand awareness around the world.  Promoting business websites, products and services on social networking websites are easy, cost-effective and faster. Social media drive traffic to a website when users likes, shares, comments, subscribe, follow and comments.  Social media marketing is a method to communicate with right customers. That’s why social media marketing is important for business growth.

Social media marketing free or paid campaign bring more sales and exposure on the internet. Social marketing goals can be achieved by sharing valuable content, posts with a targeted audience and based on their locations.   Social media marketing is very important for all kind of businesses. The better you use your marketing skills the greater is your business growth that you will get by using Social media channels.

Related: – How to perform market research online

Let’s understand in details, Why Social Media Marketing is Important for your Business?

1. Communication with targeted customers

Communication with customers is the goal of marketing on social networking websites. You can’t do social media marketing without communication. You can’t get clients and website traffic to your website and business if you’re not communicating about your product and service qualities, beliefs and benefits then it’s tough to promote business on social media.

According to there are currently 3,35,18,23900 active internet users. They are not robots surfing the internet for time pass but they are real people want knowledge, information, great products, and services. And the use of social media to educate your customers that will be very beneficial for business directly and indirectly.

Social media websites provide customer data and analytical tools. In which you get details about their interest, age, likes, profession, location and behaviors details. Data is important in business helps to create more engaging marketing content, targeted ads that provide great value when people view your advertisement.

Communicating about your products and services with the right message, image, and video in your ads will provide great customer experiences as well it will increase your website traffic and you will get more leads. More leads, subscriber, shares, +1, pins, likes, tweets and website traffic play very important role in business growth.

That’s what I think and learned so far, why social media marketing platforms are great to promote products, services, and blog.

2. Expand brand awareness

Social media is a great platform to launch, expand and improve business image and qualities in front of millions of users worldwide. According to there are more than 1,18,61,25,200 active Facebook, 494,308,100 Google+, 307,376,098 twitter and 187,169,100 Pinterest users and you can demonstrate them your business objectives.

Social media websites provide tools to create brand awareness campaign by creating high-quality ads based on audience, age, gender and geographical location. There are various options you can plan to create the advertisement about your offline & online business, website, social media pages, and events etc.

Publishing and sharing content on Social media websites increase your brand awareness. Posting marketing content on social sites aware and inform users about your business, services, and products in real time. Now the message needs to be easy, simple and valuable for users in which they can understand quickly about your brand objectives.

Branding on social media not only help to drive new people to your business but also help to build first sight relationship by doing clicks, likes, shares and subscribe. And using consistent and creative pattern of communication about your brand will surely increase awareness on the internet. Thus using social media for brand awareness will increase sales and profit. And you know that more sales and website traffic is one of the key factors behind business growth.

That’s why it’s really important to learn about digital marketing and social media in today’s time especially for home-based business owners to get competitive advantages.

3. Cost effective marketing platform

Social media is cost effective advertising methods for business than the traditional method of marketing. Small business owners can take advantages of social media marketing to grow their business.

Home based business owners, freelancer, shopkeepers are not able to spend a big budget on marketing than big brands.  That’s why using free methods of marketing on social media such as sharing blog content, posting advertisement images, creating business pages, posting in groups and communicating about products and services in communities are free.

You can use Facebook to communicate with your customer by posting valuable content related to your business and services. You can create a business page in which you can advertise your business. Learn more about the ways and benefits of using Facebook for business marketing. All type of companies and organizations are already using Facebook free and paid business promotional methods.

Marketing on Facebook not only help you to connect with your local friend’s network but also to connect with wider regions and locations. So, it’s very important to keep advertising your business when it’s necessary to market if you have a low budget. You can drive customer on Facebook page by the use of creativity and your business intelligence.

Similarly, a graphic designer, photographer, tour, and travel agency can advertise their business on Pinterest. On the Pinterest website, you can upload, save and manage your images. You can upload an image with your branding messages, images related to your product and services, customer experiences, showroom, designs, photographs with the call to action at the end for viewers.  Such marketing practices can drive the visitor to your website, your freelancing profile and in shops.

Now home based business owners, freelancer, and blogger can advertise their business on YouTube by uploading videos related to their products and services. Technically YouTube website is video sharing website and a video search engine. In which provide benefits for business owners to connect, educate and inspire people to become your subscriber, customers. It’s depending on your call to action, how actionable it is viewers.

Social media marketing is cost effective but it’s not only about the money you’re spending on advertising. Social media is cost effective in various ways such as the cost of your time; the cost of content creation, duration of the content mean how longer it can be in front of eyes of your prospective clients etc. That’s why even a free marketing on social media is more beneficial than print media and traditional marketing tools.

So, above practice is best and less costly for business owners. But if you want more exposure, more traffic to your business website likes, and shares then use paid promotional tools. And paid advertising is also not that costly if you’re a marketing campaign is well research and analyzed.

4. Market products, blog, shops and services to broad audience

Social Media is used by people around the world. You can get students for online courses, clients for website designing, readers for books, customers for online shop and traffic to your website.

If you want to get clients for your website designing business then create a social media campaign that is able to reach people you want to target in the specific country.

If you’re a photographer want more photography clients then share your standard and one two premium quality photographs in your free and paid social media marketing campaign. Also never forget to use contact address and call to action.

If you’re looking for students for your coaching business then start a group or create a business page. In which share and update content regularly about the education you provide. Also once a week post a complete marketing post. You can also spend minimum Rs. 1000 to reach a specific people for your offline and online classes. These 1000 rupees help you to get the visitors to your website.

The similar freelancer can use various creative methods that inspire clients to hire you directly.

In traditional marketing, such above practices are only able in one city or area. You also need a higher marketing budget to market your business to broad audiences from various geographically locations. Even after spending that much money on marketing products and services offline will not provide much leads and value than online marketing.

As you know there are various uses of internet in our daily life and business. Every use of the internet is connecting directly and indirectly with marketing and business. If there are no online business and marketing channels then there is nothing on the internet other than unresponsive government websites.

So, take advantages of marketing your business on the Internet. The broader you market the higher it is to make the profit. More profit mean success. But depending your product quality, your capacity, thinking, creativity and most important how you spend your small and big marketing budget on social media.

5. Use of social media in research and planning marketing campaign

Social media platforms are one of the best methods to plan your next marketing campaign. Social media provide options and tools to learn from competitors, perspective clients, and previous marketing campaign and people behaviors on social media website. Research and planning in marketing are most important to get more leads and ROI especially when you have the low budget.

Using social media to analyze market before marketing is easy. You can see how your competitors marketing efforts becoming fruitful. What kind of taste they are providing in their social media marketing campaign. How people are responding to their social media posts and content. Watching and learning from competitors will increase your brand awareness, more clients, and customer relationship building efforts.

Social media content is mostly in public view. In which you can see what your perspective clients and customer are sharing on social media. What they’re tweeting and re-tweet about! You can see what kind of videos and images getting more views, likes, shares and comments. After analyzing and understanding such small but important marketing research practice is very helpful to plan your next marketing campaign. That’s the reasons why social media marketing is an important business tool you can utilize to target the right people for your products and services.

6. Increase website traffic and low bounce rate – SEO Skill

Website traffic with low bounce rate is very important to get the higher rank on Google. Social media is playing the productive role in which you can target the keywords and phrases people are using for a particular topic on Facebook, Twitters, Reddit, and Google Plus and in forums. After that, you can use those words in your marketing campaign, blog content, landing page and in a call to action. You can also use Keywords research tools such as Google Keyword Planner etc.

That’s the creative but legal ways to generate more organic traffic from Google and social traffic from Facebook, Google + etc. and people visit from social media will reduce bounce rate and it will impact SEO of your website.

On social media website, we can address people problem very closely with data and information. That helps to market solution and get people to the website. Also content on social media become viral when people see benefits. That’s why social media marketing is important and the necessity to utilize in this digital world to become successful business owners.

Related: – How can business benefit from using analytics on their website

7. Automatic social media marketing

Another innovation in social media marketing is that you can automate it. There is various free and paid social media automation tool that publish your marketing content on social networking websites automatically.

Using social automation tool will help you to automatically publish on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + etc. social media networking websites. You don’t need to spend your time and efforts in posting when it can be done by apps, website, and application.

As so far in this article you learned about the importance of social media marketing in business success. But to be successful in business you also need to execute your strategies and plan. And for that, something automatic, easy, fast, valuable, less costly marketing tools will save your time, money, peace of mind and help to execute marketing plan faster than competitors. That’s why you can use social media automation methods of marketing in right time.

That’s it friends, what I think and know about the importance of social media marketing for business growth and why it is important for all kind of businesses.

To get all above benefits of social media marketing then learn and execute. Do online social media marketing courses, check what competitors are doing, make notes and then start experiments one by one. And see the results. But never forget to create high-quality products, services, and marketing content that help people to solve their daily life problems.

Conclusion: – Marketing end results of your product and services on social media websites can play the biggest role in business success. If you didn’t use social networking website for marketing yet then it’s time you can look at these free and paid methods of advertising your business.

When are others getting traffic to their website from social media websites, why you not? Is your product and services will not solve problems? I think they are solving and you created a great solution for people. Now tell about it with courage on your social networks. And communicate with the difference you can make in their life and business. Let’s do it once again!

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1 thought on “Importance of social media marketing in business success”

  1. Social media marketing is the very important part of every business nowadays. It helps you to increase the website traffic, engage with users, create brand awareness, achieve the goals, get business leads, grow your business and build the community goals faster.


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