Importance of education in society Essay


The foundations and development of any society are based on the empowerment of those people following that society. And the empowerment, development of those people happens through education.

There are various societies in the world and each society have their own traditions, philosophy, culture, ideology, living standard, and living style.

Societies need education about the environment. You have to teach societies that trees, water, and natural resources are more important than industries, factories, road lines. It’s important that they get environmental education. So that we can balance the environment and life on the earth. We have to do it for the upcoming generations. And that’s why societies need education so that we can reduce air and water pollution, land and tress cutting.

Societies need the education to understand real development. For example, the real development is not when we have bigger hospitals. The real development is when fewer people get diseases and health problems. And it’s possible when we work to remove the source of diseases and health problems along with preventions.

Society needs the education to understand that a 90% literacy rate in any country, state, and the village is not the real development. It’s a common-sense that we need education. But the real goal of education, when 90 % of educated have employment or doing business or self-employed.

Society needs education to reduce corruption. People need education about fundamental rights. And they need education on how to use them in certain situations.

Societies need education on the methods of political, educational, governed, social corruption, and how they can help to reduce it.

Societies need the education to choose/vote/support a wise/educated/experiences/practical leader. So that societies can use their common sense on what kind of leader is good for them or not.

Societies need education so that no one can divide them based on caste, religion, color, and profession.

Societies need education on behaviors and communication. So that they understand and respect other societies and religions.

Societies need the education to understand government policies. So that no government can dominate fundamental rights or they can understand that certain policy is good for them.

If something is good for the society through government policy, the law then they need the education to understand that.

If someone has different development thoughts and ideas about the culture and if someone wants to lead that society and have a great vision then people have to support that person.

Society has to be aware and careful of flattery and sycophant.  They have to avoid these people to develop the nation and they also have to avoid these habits in themselves.

Girls/women empowerment is very important. Wise women build a wise society. But society needs education on why they should respect/empower and create a safe and peaceful environment, women/girls.

Technically, each girl and woman in society need self-defense education. Even each woman/girl needs tools to protect and attack. They need education on this. It’s because when government, politics, society, and law are not able to save or not able to create secure environment girls and women then need to try different options.

While they are many reasons why society needs education, you can learn my complete article here: Importance of education in life

But in nutshell, the following can be the benefits if society is educated practically:

  • Decrements in Corruption
  • Unity among people
  • Able to support and vote for an educated/wise political leader
  • Economic development and reforms
  • Employment for the youth
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Environment development activities
  • Not able to optimized by media
  • Able to become a wise leader
  • Able to think, what is the real development.
  • Able to live with freedom, flexibility, and wealth.

But the most important thing is that society needs education so that they can select educated, wise and good leaders. If they select an honest, wise, educated, practical leader. Then that leader will create and maintain law and order in the country. He/she will do lots of work for development. And the experiences have to be count on what he/she did for the society collectively instead of just one group.

And society and people are more powerful. But it doesn’t’ mean they can dominate the fundamental rights of other people. In simple terms, we all need the education to become united, developed, wise, and skilled. So that we can contribute to the development of the nation by following a practical vision of our social leaders.

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