how to learn web designing from basics


Learning web design is a really smart way to get a job remotely, earn money online and start a freelancing business. And you can make a web designer 15000 to more than 50,000 rupees per month, even more after completing the 12th class, especially in India. It takes minimum of six months to learn web design offline or online if you’re able to find a good web design institute or online course.

Web designing is very easy and have provided great career scope for undergraduate, college dropouts, metric pass or 12th class students. Even today, kids are creating a website. But there is the difference in between creating website and designing website. Anyone can create a website today by the use of WordPress, Wix, etc. website builder.

Anyone can create a website but not all can design professional looking website, not all can drive traffic to the website from a search engine, not all can design content in a way that drives more business leads and conversion. But professional website designer knows such things, which not only design website, they design dreams. Young entrepreneurs dream into reality by creating websites.

4 ways you can follow to become a web designer within Six Month’s

And after that, it is possible according to this guide that you can earn a minimum of 20000-30000 per month. But when everything will be executed according to the plan and ideas.

1. Take offline Website Design Training Course – important to learn the basics of Website Designing

To learn web designing it’s always best to learn in class.  A class in which you can learn practical web design skills such as Adobe Photoshop, HTML, CSS, WordPress, PHP, Jquery. But finding the practical teachers offline is tough work. Else you can search on Google for specific person and research on their own website.

Mostly there is 1 Year Diploma Course in Web designing in India. But that is too much time investment and most of the institutes are not able to teach students practical and updated website designing skills.

Web design skills are mostly used in the private sector. Most web designers are multi-skilled. They can design website, they can market and they can optimize websites and they do many more things.

So my advice is finding someone who has a practical website designing knowledge and working experience in the field. And make sure that they already designed various websites for clients. Then choosing that person for learning is a good choice.

Else never join web designing course in any institute in which their own website is designed by the third party or any teacher who does not have designed any website for clients or others, but teaching web designing, is not good option to learn from. To learn web design but try to learn practically from experienced teacher or professional.

Here is our website designing programs that are great for beginners to start their own online website business, offline web designing business and to get jobs within six months in website designing field.

Related: Difference Between Web Design vs Web Development Skills

2. Join Online Web Designing Course – Learn updated skills and ways to design websites Faster

Online web designing course is the first choice for many people. The only advantages of doing web design online course are that they provide speed and flexibility for students. If you want to learn web design quickly, it’s a good option to do online web design course. And you can learn anytime from anywhere.

But for faster learning, you have to very good at the basics of computer. During the online web designing course, you need to practice more. You need to ask the question from the instructors. You need to make notes. You need to practice your web designing skills that you’re learning in the course. It’s totally self-learning.

Whatever (Website, wireframe, PSD, HTML forms) you create during learning web design, and then remember it’s under your eyes not in the eyes of instructors. So, you’re responsible for all kind of practices that you do.

I know that many online web design tutors are very well connected with their students and have good feedback and reviews. Whenever you practice web design makes sure it is above average. And show your designs someone or your instructor if possible online.

There are various websites to do online web design course. But remember to check that online course and syllabus is up to date according to industry standard or not. It’s also good if web design instructors have positive feedback and have more 5 Stars.

Also don’t forget to check the instructor’s web job history, portfolio and web industry experiences. Research on instructors personal or professional website, social profiles if you think this person is genuine to learn from then go ahead.

3. Self-Learning – Build websites for self – It’s important to build something and learn. This is a practical method.

You can learn website design skills by building websites for self. You don’t need to do online and offline web designing course. One thing that you need is a passionate interest to build and design websites. Learning web design using free internet sources such as free online course, YouTube and blogs is a good choice.

But it will take in more than 1 year. Because you don’t know what to search on Google related to website designing and website design. Website designing includes various skills such as Branding, Custom Integration, theme installation, and customization, But today it’s little easier than before.

If your goal is to build the website for own. Then start with WordPress or use Wix. And try every website builder and see the difference. Book a domain. Then host that domain (by adding hosting Nameserver to the domain (DNS) this will be provided to you when you buy hosting.

You can watch online free tutorials, how to buy and host a domain. After that install WordPress, use a free theme, install plugins, keep watching, what is happening when you do certain things. I can’t able to explain this process in short here but my point is practice on such things. After practices on HTML, WordPress, CSS, Php edits, etc. web designing tools for six months or 1 year.

Then try to learn advanced languages to build websites such as Python Programming language.   But remember, if you’re choosing website designing as a career then it’s really important that you can learn and use updated web tools.

There is even so much work related to WordPress Website development and design practices. Adobe Photoshop is still one of the best tools to design home page, landing page and whole website for WordPress theme or for software designs.

Keep learning and practice web designing daily for 4-5 hours and in six months, you got very good knowledge to design professional looking websites.

4. Work as a trainee in Web Development or Designing Company – Important to gain experience and web design business process.

This is most important to work as a trainee in web development or web designing company. It will give you lots of experiences and industry knowledge. Even after finishing the website designing course it’s really important to jump directly to work with someone for free. I think it’s a good option to don’t look for money in the earlier web design career.

Just focus on learning and working as a trainee under an experienced website designer. Before applying seriously for any web designing job in the big or small company make sure you have some experience under your belt to discuss web design project detail with clients.

Else you can be great at using computers and the internet. The stronger your basic knowledge of computer, the faster you will learn website designing.

Remember, it’s not mandatory to have a web design degree to earn money in the web designing field. But degree or course, experience certificate, your own website design, and portfolio play an important role in finding offline or online website designing jobs and projects.

I shared with you what I think about web design. But take your time in thinking and research on web design. Here are the ways that I suggest.

  • Book your Six month – Join website training course offline, get training certificate from the reputed or registered institute.
  • 7th Month – Now Take online website designing course and practice accordingly mentioned 2nd point of this article.
  • 8th Month – Apply for jobs as Trainee for Free, if they give you a salary it’s plus point. In the same time keep learning and practicing web design skills at home.
  • While working with experienced people. Keep looking for website designing projects offline and online.
  • Build your website and portfolio professionally on your website and start working to get organic traffic from Google to your website.
  • Create a profile on Freelancing websites such as (Upwork,
  • Keep updating and marketing your skills.


HTML, CSS, Adobe Photoshop, and WordPress is enough to start becoming web Web-Designer. But you need to practice hard on branding and internet marketing. A website is a big part of Internet Marketing. And you have to be very good at this.

So, Design your dreams.

In this way, I think in 12 months, you will ready for your own business. That’s it; I hope it will be helpful for you in this website designer journey.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Why learn Adobe Photoshop, HTML and CSS to design a website?

Adobe Photoshop, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and cascading style sheet (CSS) are the basics of web design. HTML is used to insert text between tags.

Such as to display heading, you need to use <h1>this is my first website</h1> and to explain this in the paragraph, you can use <p>yes, this is my first website created by the use of WordPress</p>

And to align and decorate H1, and P tags, CSS need to be used. Such as “.h1 { text-transformation:UPPERCASE; float: left), .p (font-family: Roboto;}

And Adobe Photoshop is used to design the look and feel of the content on the website. I mean color combination, fonts, backgrounds, images, icons, banners, slider, text, and logos, etc. on the website.

  • Is it a necessity to learn HTML, CSS to create a website?

You can create a website without learning HTML, CSS. For that, you need to use WordPress and premium themes. But yes, HTML and CSS will be helpful to customize WordPress Themes also.

  • What is the difference between WordPress website and without WordPress website?

In simple language, WordPress is a free web application to build and design website. It will create a website automatically. While without WordPress or website builder, you need to code everything from scratch.

WordPress is the fastest and smartest way to create websites. But for long term success and web designing as a business, it’s important that you know how to create websites without using website builders and WordPress.

If you similar question and suggestions like this, so help us to explore web design learning process that is best on the web.

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