How to increase sales in your shop regardless of eCommerce : Video Post


How to drive customers back to your shop or increase sales, regardless of e-commerce competition? Strategies for shopkeepers to increase sales despite the competition from big eCommerce companies:

1. Identify the exact problem, Is it really from eCommerce websites?

2. Understand the pricing and selling strategies of eCommerce websites and learn to attract more customers.

3. Build long-term relationships or connections with customers by using social media platforms.

4. Aware customers of the disadvantages of online shopping.

5. Not only you can sell big brands items but also promote new brands and sell more and unique items.

6. Focus on selling those items more in which you’re getting good margin and that is also good for the customers.

7. Create discount offers/packages for every new upcoming occasion and event.

8. Create discount offers/packages for every occasion and event.

9. Build relationships and partnerships with other shopkeepers and build a strong group. And that also supports new shopkeepers.

10. Invest more time in marketing and sales strategies.

11. Build a business group and do the meetings weekly to build the market.

12. Understand the consumer problems. And create unique and amazing solutions or produce good products.
13. Increase your sales and marketing skills.

14. Use the available marketing platforms and online sources to increase your business’s online presence. 15. Use social media business groups, business directories, and websites.

16. Be an entrepreneur and market leader and be honest with your business and customers.

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