How to improve communication skills at work


In this article, you will learn the basic tips that will improve your communication skills at work. Communication skills are the most demanding skills in a leadership position. Communication skills help to grow the business. Communication skills help job seekers to get a job.

Communication skills do not mean that you know English or Hindi. It’s just simply that how you use all communication tools on the Internet, workplace and in life effectively. Today we have the most advanced communication technologies such as mobile, internet, computer, chatting, blogging, social media, etc.

But not all are getting benefits of these communication tools effectively. So if you want to influence people, if you want to become a leader, if you want a promotion or looking for jobs online and offline, the following tips will help you in a great way.

Following are things you keep in mind while trying to improve your communication skills at the workplace:

1. Be clear about your communication goals

Before communicating think about your goals, what you want to achieve from communication. For higher productivity and profit, it’s really important that you should remain focused and clear about the message that you want to communicate. If you’re not clear what the idea and reason behind the meetings, then it’s very tough to achieve goals and dream faster. Clear communication helps employees and their teammates to understand your points. So try to be as much clear and focused at the workplace while dealing with people at the office.

2. Listen carefully

We as team leaders or business owners communicate more very often. As we are motivated by our goals and dream, so it’s obvious that we want similar things from our teammates. But without listening to them, what they feel what the problem they are facing, how they want and where, how they are comfortable with your point of view matter in the workplace.

Similar if you don’t listen to your customers, then how can they provide the best solution they are looking for. Clear communication is important but along with this, it’s important that you listen to their problem. So for the improvement in your communication skills try to listen to your teammates and customers.

3. Give attention and time when someone wants to speak something to you

Multitasking and over communication make us unconscious and less focused. In this way, we start ignoring the main points someone telling us. It’s because, after the first input, we give 2nd input and then 3rd input, it’s bad communication skill. Instead of doing this, you can just make your first point and then wait if they want to tell or not.

For example, if you’re in a meeting, your boss telling you about the best presentation style and they keep telling and repeating or explaining. What do you feel? I don’t think you feel good about that because they are ignoring your experience, your knowledge, and your talent.

A good boss not only tells you what to do next? But also explain how to do it effectively.  Even some people in leadership positions only ask, they only use their brain in asking the right question, they ask to listen. Listening is learning. If you’re not learning and not giving attention to the people working with you, how do you think they will perform?

Appreciating their points will make them happy and confident. So, try to give your time and focus on the person speaking to you. That way you can influence them by your personality and communication style because you listen till the end. I know sometimes it’s ok to interrupt but not all the time.

4. Be receptive and interested

If someone is not receptive and interested to learn from you, to listen to your guidelines then what do you feel? I think you will feel very bad. For example, someone served food on the table for you, but if you have not yet come to the table, then who serving the food will feel about you. I don’t think they are happy in serving, just be their first, so the server can serve you with love and interest.

It means to be receptive and interested when someone is trying and interested to talk important points to you at work. Might be your teammates have an idea about a new online marketing strategy. But if you’re not interested and receptive towards them and their points then you will miss the opportunity.

For higher communication skills in the workplace, you have to be happy and interested. It’s because your job is not to ignore others, your job is to support and motivate everyone working with you. And you can do it by your communication with happiness and interest.

You know that many people found them in controversies on social media and the internet. It happens due to bad communication skills. To avoid that we need patience before reacting to anything on the internet and social media or in daily life. It’s because we are not receptive when we get arguments, criticism, and appreciation. We react in the flow. The flow of action from our mind is not all the time in the right direction. The mood changed thousands of times in a day, so be in control.

If you want to control in the workplace, so avoid becoming selfish at work. And you will be able to implement your business strategies. If you talk about your strategies in reaction then you know who will be at the end in profit and loss. Many people try to force you to take action, many people online or offline try to distract you from your work and goals. But smile, be with your mind and heart on the work that you want to do today.

And when the iron is hot, then hit with a hammer. Moke Par Chauka.

5. Do not criticize or argue

As you don’t like criticism for your idea and interest in the workplace, so others think similarly. Criticism is not bad, it’s valuable and good. But when this habit is created then it damages us very much than the person we are criticizing at the office or anywhere. This work is done by politicians. You found them always criticizing their opposition party, especially around the election.

But in the office, you’re not there to win the election and there is no one in the opposition. Why talk about the wasteful things, instead find good points in bad points. Even don’t criticize yourself if you did something wrong, but doing it will make you worried about your job and work. This will not make you happy and motivated at work. Instead, get positive points, appreciate the small and big efforts in the same way. So, you get the motivation to achieve business goals. It’s simple math.

6. Do not overdo the explanation of  your points

It’s great that you have the ability to explain your point of view at the office. But if you keep explaining without thinking that people learning got the points and they are convinced. If someone has 80 GB capacity to digest for the next 2 hours in the workplace then it’s not good to give them 100GB to digest.

Every word that we speak and chat have the weight, it does not matter it’s in pixel, Kg’s, bytes or meters. What we have to remember is that, the more we talk, the more we explain, the toughest it will become for the audience to remember. It’s because your audience has only 2GB RAM to learn or a 2.3 GHz processor to process ideas in their mind you’re communicating.

7. Close your points when they start getting bored

When people in the front raw start looking here and there then start closing your points. The best communicator is someone when people forget about the time. But that doesn’t mean that the best communicator can turn website visitors into customers.

You know that when someone tries to convince you to take action with suspense and sensational headlines on the internet, YouTube, and social media. Communication is the way to connect with others. It’s not the way to connect with your prospective customers and audience without lying.

The best communicator tells the truth. And when there is the truth behind the topics it will shine and explore the imagination inside the brain of viewers, listeners, and readers.

8. Get to the conclusion every time when you communicate

We forget to conclude. We forget why we are talking. We forget and get distracted from the goals in between the communication. Bad communication turns into wars. So remember that, why you’re communicating. What is the message you want to give others?

9. Speak with love, Say sweetly. What is kept in hatred?

Respect the people working with you. Do not do the immoral to their religion and their integrity. Do not torture them because they belong to a poor society. When you respect others they will respect you in the back. You know looking at something small today, in the future will become big.

Every big one was small. Do not forget the rule of God. But when you respect your coworkers, when you respect your clients, when you respect yourself then your tone, slang, words, and sentences will become sweet. There is nothing in hatred. We all have to die one day. Then why we are fighting with each other only after listening and being influenced by office politics.


So,  my friend if you really want improvement in your business, career, and job by using communication skills, then try to respect people, respect their time and interest,  try to speak sweetly and softly, and soon you will be the best communicator in the world.

And if you do not agree with the above communication skills improvement practices, then watch how (Late) Dr. Apj Abdul Kalam, Sachin Tendulkar, Mukesh Ambani, (Late) Steve Jobs, Mahender Singh Dhoni communicate. I know you will agree then. These people have great communication skills. It’s because they are leaders. Leadership is important and communication is the first and top skill important for leaders.

Remember: Tongue is such a great thing in our body that we matter 90% time in communication. By using it you can convert your enemies into friends and friends into enemies, therefore use it carefully.

In the end, I will say that all the above tips you can use in your written, verbal and visual communication. You can use the above practices while chatting with clients while communicating with teammates and friends. Try to do it for the next 21 days and see the results.

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