How to buy Computer


You know that there are 100+ varieties of computers and laptops. There are existing technologies and new is on the way. And various companies are selling computers. Buy from a new brand or buy based on previous experiences. It will create confusion. Even searching on the best computer on Google, you get 10 results. So, which one is the right computer for you and your kids.

The following are things you can consider before purchasing a laptop or desktop computer?

You can buy a computer based on your need, work, and future demands. For Typing and editing works and more use of MS-Office application and internet surfing you can buy a laptop computer with 2 GB Ram, I3 Processor, 500 GB hard disk. The range of similar configuration computers is around 15,000 to 25000. And if you want to buy a laptop with this configuration it can be around 20000 to 30, 0000.

For graphics and web designing works, you need 4GB RAM, an i5 or i7 CPU with HD graphics, and Windows 10 64-bit. The price of a laptop for this configuration can be around 30,000 to 40000 thousand.

If you want to buy a laptop for Software Development/video mixing/video editing works then you can consider a 12 GB Ram with 1 TB HDD, Windows 10 64 Bit, exceptional audio and video and connectivity features.

Or if you can compromise with the prices then buy the laptop or computer with maximum new and advanced features. Especially if you’re a computer science student or doing a computer-related degree or course.

Everyone has to use advanced features and technologies. It’s a competitive advantage especially for online business owners because they want to work fast. The use of machines and technologies is to increase speed and quality. So, buying the latest laptop or desktop computer will be good for everyone to faster the process. But let’s consider a few things that you need to remember when buying a desktop computer or laptop computer.

Things you can consider when buying desktop or laptop computers offline.

  1. Tell the Computer sellers that you want a computer (Desktop/Laptop).
  2. Tell them your budget that you’re looking for a laptop computer range in between 30000 to 40000 rupees. Or tell them you want such configuration in laptop or computer.
  3. Now they will show you the laptop and tell you about the features.
  4. Now decide which kind of features and configuration you need today or tomorrow. If you’re looking for personal use then a laptop around 30000 will be good and a desktop computer around 20000 will be good.
  5. Now study the features or ask the sellers what are the uses of these features.
  6. Ask for accessories and if there are any.
  7. Take a guarantee card.
  8. Now ask for a discount, if they don’t give, try again, be emotional or be creative at this point.
  9. Check your machine and all parts. And ask them to install all the necessary programs and applications.
  10. Now pay with your debit card or check.


Things you can consider when buying desktop or laptop computer online

  1. Select the desktop or laptop computer based on your budget and configuration.
  2. Read the reviews and total sales and star ratings.
  3. Read the term and conditions.
  4. Read about the configuration and search for that configuration for knowledge on Google. Such as CPU is 3.4 GHz.
  5. Check out the shipping conditions.
  6. Compare the same laptop or desktop computer on 2-3 websites.
  7. When comparing, also consider the shipping price and accessories details.
  8. See the images and check out each feature such as ports and slots.
  9. Check connectivity features such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet.
  10. Read the manual and compare the configuration that you need.
  11. Now, pay cash on delivery if there is an option.
  12. You can also call customer support if you have any confusion.
  13. If you’re a kid or student, do not which one is best, and then take help from parents.

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