Helpful uses of cloud computing for businesses


Cloud computing is the new adventure of information technology for small businesses that deduct the current cost, enhance flexibility, increase productivity and automation in business. The common uses are unlimited storage, auto-scaling of performance and infrastructure, and hassle-free maintenance. In this article, I am trying to explain the uses of cloud computing that I understand so far for businesses.

1. Controlled and managed connectivity with the clients/audience/customers on the website and applications:

You can have seen and listened to this sentence (Server is Down) many times in banks, cyber cafes, mobile/dish TV recharge shops, government offices, and online applications. Due to this, it is unable to transfer money, unable to communicate, unable to apply for certain types of jobs, unable to file tenders and many things. And such things matter more in an emergency situation in business.

Why it’s happening? It happens due to an overload of traffic (apps users) on the website and application. So in this case, cloud computing plays a great role inconsistent connectivity through cloud hosting. Now through cloud hosting all types of private and government organizations and small businesses can host/run/access/distribute the application (apps), websites by using cloud computing for a non-stop user experience.

When traffic grows, the increment in downloads, increment in viewers on a certain web application/website then cloud host automatically (autoscale) distribute the load to multiple servers (dedicated virtual/shared server) through the load balancer.  In this way, the application runs in a controlled and managed manner. Especially when in a software development company, more than 2 programmers deploying applications/testing or debugging code. they need instant connectivity with the server and no place for the server to down an error at that point.

Cloud hosting is very effective for all kinds of businesses/organizations. Especially in communication, educational, medical and military applications in any country.

If businesses/organizations/small businesses apps/websites want and need to have higher speed, consistent connectivity and great user experience to grow, expand the business and lower cost they can use cloud hosting and cloud computing in business.

it means the uses of cloud hosting (cloud computing technology) in businesses is to have consistent connectivity with users, business automation, high speed to reduce cost, managed and controlled operations and performance analysis in low cost and higher accuracy.

2. Cloud Storage and Secure Document Sharing:

When you create your next document or spreadsheet or presentation file, it will be saved directly in the cloud server (cloud storage/cloud computing service providers) such as Google Cloud platform, Gsuite.

After that you will be able to share and collaborate on the same sheet or document or presentation in real-time with your friends, team members, teachers and manager from anywhere in the world by any device (laptop, desktop/mobile/tablet). You can create this IT or Data storage infrastructure and software for collaboration in your organization. But this has an upfront cost and will take more time to streamline the work. So in this case, small, large, home-based businesses, an online business can use cloud computing for storage and collaboration.

The use of cloud computing for business is that team members can store files in one place in a managed way and they can download those files anytime. It’s easy to manage access to documents and data. It means everything is secured and password protected and all the controls are in the admin’s hand for the project progress.

3. Scalable Computers and Servers on rent:

The use of cloud computing for business is to buy scalable computers and servers for rent. It means you no longer need to have your machine for development and business processes and systems. You can operate the biggest IT infrastructure from your home through cloud computing and by using infrastructure as a service.

All the web/software/apps development will be on the virtual machines that are provided by infrastructure as a service provider. and these machines (computer/storage space/processing power/libraries) are scalable and pre-installed on that infrastructure. You just have to pay as per the use of bytes. It means if initially, you need only 500 GB for data storage, then you have to pay only for the 500 GB usage. And when in the future you need more space as per the user’s growth, it will expand automatically.

In the simplest mean, infrastructure as service is just a (folder/operating system/apps) that you get pre-installed and you just need to integrate (connect)your application or computer with that infrastructure. And everything works like you’re working on your computer.

So the use of Infrastructure as a service in business is to expand the storage space, development process without buying own infrastructure. but you have to pay rent for the use of cloud computing services providers’ infrastructure. And you have to compromise privacy as well at some point. But also it will reduce the mental and financial burden of managing licensing, hardware, software, and workforce in a business.  

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