Best Online JavaScript Courses – Improve your web development skills


We have selected these best online courses on Udemy for you to learn Javascript effectively and faster. We selected these courses based on the following goals in mind:

  • Learn the basics of Web Development and JavaScript.
  • Learn Java Script through practical and fun exercises.
  • Build small and interactive web applications
  • Understand the already written java script code.
  • Understand how to reuse the code in another application.

Whether you provide web development services or looking to build your own web application or want to work as a freelance web developer, learning and using a Javascript programming language is essential and very important as the importance of programming skills.

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Java Script make websites and application more dynamic, functional, user friendly and personalized. The dynamic nature of the JavaScript programming language attracts learners and developers to build great front end as well as backend.

If you want to learn web development then 99 out of 100 will say that it’s important to learn Java Script. After HTML, CSS JavaScript is the next step that you can take to build a career in web development.

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You can also see that in almost all the web development works on freelance platforms Java Script knowledge is a required skill to have in freelancer.

And if you want to build scalable, interactive web applications then Java Script is the best solution for the front end.

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You can also see that in almost all the web development works on freelance platforms Java Script knowledge is a required skill to have in freelancer.

And if you want to build scalable, interactive web applications then Java Script is the best solution for the front end.

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After learning the basics of JavaScript. It’s important that you learn JavaScript Frameworks. Frameworks are ready to use programs, libraries, and functions to build web applications faster with scalability.

Frameworks are like templates for developers. There are so many JavaScript frameworks that you can choose as per the project demand. But as a fresher, you have to master any one of them after the basics of Javascript.

Following are the popular Javascript frameworks and library:

You can use these to build cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications with a single code base. You can build single-page web applications, booking websites, marketplaces, SaaS and eCommerce websites or landing pages, and lead forms more efficiently by using ready-to-use frameworks and Javascript libraries.

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There are so many ways to learn JavaScript. The method I like the most after the basics of JavaScript is to build small and functional options. You can’t learn complete web development or you can’t become an expert web developer just by doing one course. You have had to learn small things from everyone. You have to build small and dynamic functions in web applications and websites.

And when you learned to do the small things, later you can combine them to build a web application to start your own online SaaS or Web application or to work on freelance projects.

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