Benefits of artificial intelligence in business


AI making a difference in Business and profits. Artificial intelligence is an integration process between cloud computing, network devices, robots, computer, and digital content production and in various business processes, systems, and daily life operations. Artificial intelligence computing was in the past, today, and will be in the future.

Currently, we are using robots or artificial intelligence but we do not call this robotic operation or artificial intelligence application.  Such as when we get a notification about recommended friends, recommended videos, recommended products, and recommended search results, etc. and all recommendations are automatic through programs that use cookies and our search history when we use the internet.

When we use the internet through browsers and apps in that time our data is collected and manipulated with computer programs (applications or apps) to create and send recommendations based on our interests and behaviors that are programmed in an application. This is the way the machine learns.

Another example is when your mobile data pack is finished it automatically starts sending you notifications and various offers to recharge again. In business, it’s the customer retention process.

Companies have to focus on their values, brand position in the market, goals, and customer experience while trying to implement AI in their business process and system. AI applications and programs will create different processes and systems of work with high speed and accuracy. They need proper inputs (programs, code, class, function, and loops) from their users before performing any action.

The artificial intelligence method looks like it will make businesses successful when it’s implemented in each process and business operation from idea to production, branding to marketing, selling to feedback, and even ITR/GST, etc. TAX system.

I think that computers and machines in the future will automatically repair themselves with only one command and one person. And each one of us will become more powerful with artificial technologies, machine learning, and cloud computing in Business.

Related: How can artificial intelligence benefit humans?

How Artificial Intelligence benefits the business?

Information Technologies impacted our life positively and negatively. Also, the evolution in IT created search engines, responsive websites, apps, social media, and many others and most of the IT tools are on mobile devices. And might Charles Babbage imagined the power of computers that we’re using these days.

1.  Automatic Process of electronics shopping and maintenance:

For example, Person A wants to buy a new computer or any machine: Now he/she needs to use a personal computer or mobile.

So how, what can be the process with Artificial Intelligence?

Person A – Command Computer (open website and order) -> Now Company receives the mail and deliver the product to the shipping address – Now Person A switch on the machine (input) –> Machine ask a certain question (output) such as Your Credit Card Number, Your mobile number, personal chat room, and email id, placement address, operator Education or skills level, time zone, etc.) –> Now all this data is stored in the machine –> after that machine again ask the person A – in which mode you want to operate me (Such as with internet – fully Automatic – Manual (control through apps or based on notification), etc. – Person A select the best option and now it’s done. And the machine started working.

After 6 months machine sent a notification to person A – I want to replace my ABC part 3.4 or replace ABC part 3.4 before 21/11/2017 else I will consume more energy and power – now person A gets only 3 options Yes/No/Cancel and if he/she select Yes then machine automatically find the part, order to its’ supplier, use the credit card information that you saved earlier in the machine and in between that person A also get OTP or something to swap to confirm the order and manufacturers or dealer to send the part to the place where the machine is located (I am sure that ABC part 3.4 is delivered by drones) –> Now one person is there in that time (because he got a notification that your product is delivered and you can also check where it is currently and in which time it is in front of your house), that movement will be VOW for person A.

Now person and insert part 3.4 after reading the manual in the part and insert it. Then the machine will say, part 3.4 is successfully installed, thanks for helping me.

That’s what I mean by an automatic process that small business owners, companies, and any person can use with the help of artificial intelligence. This is not any movie script and it’s what I am thinking.

The current challenge in adapting Artificial intelligence is not how you use it. When to use it? We can learn that later.  But the biggest challenge now I think that how perfectly we can create products, applications, machines, and all consumer products with the class integration of artificial intelligence in the program.

2. An automatic TAX system in the country after the integration of Artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, and cloud computing.

For example, if any government or Indian government facing a problem with tax collection or I means there are only 20% of people who are paying tax, I mean filing GST each month or third month. It’s a big and complicated process for people so they ignore it. There are other reasons too. But this tax collection system can be automated by artificial intelligence more effectively.

For example, Person B currently files Income Tax Returns by collecting bills/bank statements/income and expenses and profits/ various other current and fixed assets reports, etc. with the help of a lawyer and charted accountant.  It takes 2-3 days for a normal person to file ITR due to various reasons.

 But after artificial intelligence integration in GST, and ITR submission application, what will be the process?

1). It’s mandatory for person B during the registration of business and company to get government-provided Unique Business Ids such as a digital pen card or DIN or any kind of number Card. And person B has to list his/her business account number in the form or application and mobile number, email ID and UID number and address proof, etc.

2.) Now, person B started working and after 1-2-3 years/months, he/she got a message from the government of India that you have to pay 3oooo rupees income tax or GST.

Now, person B has a choice do you want to pay now? YES/NO/Cancel. If he/she selects YES, then the selected bank automatically transfers payable tax money to the government. And he/she got the message within a second from the Government that we received the amount, thank you, and we do our best to provide the best citizen services.

But he/she ignores the message, more than 10 times or the duration to select the option then the government no need to find him, even no need to check his/her business details manually.

His/Her bank business accounts are sealed and money is transferred to the government. Even government can take a 5-10000 security amount before registering the business in India (according to the business nature), the UNIQ ID stopped working means he/she is not able to conduct business with another person. Even if his business place’s water/internet/electricity connection cut and he/she never be able again to do business or have to complete certain formalities.

I know you have various questions. But the most important is how the government knows how much person B has to pay the TAX amount. Just imagine, what you think about how the government can know before person B.

How does the government know automatically how much he/she has to pay such an amount of GST or Income tax etc. even before his/her report?

When anyone starts a business he/she will get a unique Business ID that is traceable and included all the business details in a single code.

Each company, business owner or taxpayer got some instrument from the government after registering in this Artificial Intelligence method to collect and pay taxes.

These instruments are Artificial intelligence Applications that worked only on one Unique Business ID, a product code-scanning machine. And business owners have to use mobile/ computer and high-speed permanent internet connection.

Each product during the manufacturing process prints code on the label that is scannable later when ready to sell. It will be mandatory for each manufacturer to use the government to provide applications and need to integrate them with their product applications or machines.

In the end, each retailer or shopkeeper is only able to sell the product after scanning the code, and that code is automatically added to the online application and the government gets the data about the total sales.

Even if the code automatically finds out the manufacturer, GST (18%, 12%, 5%, 28%) has no way of confusion.


  1. How is Income Tax automatically calculated?

It’s easy with artificial intelligence methods to calculate income, tax, and pay directly without filing ITR. For example, each person has Aadhaar Card in this case bank details, insurance policies, RD, Fixed deposit, and various other banking services used by a person are automatically saved in government data. It’s possible when all banking services and their applications are integrated with government applications so that it will automatically send notifications and appropriate recommendations to authorities and people about the status.

When someone buys any product he/she provides his Aadhaar Card or Debit Card so the software at the seller’s end collects the details of the consumer.

Now after a year government automatically has details about each individual income and expenses.

But what are the important things that are important to consider while implementing or integrating artificial intelligence in the tax system application?

  1. It’s important that the government provide free digital instruments to conduct business transparently. Such as QR codes or barcodes or product code scanning machines, or software.
  2. The government also needs to educate people while registering for the digital process.
  3. The government also needs to invest money to create artificial intelligence applications to automate the tax system.
  4. For higher-speed servers or AI application speed, they should use cloud computing and cloud hosting as well as cloud storage.
  5. All businesses and companies should integrate their business transactions or business operations details with Artificial intelligence applications.

Benefits of implementation:

  1. Save million dollars for government and business owners from manual tax-paying systems, human-operated infrastructure, and surveys and research.
  2. The business system and process are transparent so there is very min. chance of corruption.
  3. It should be optional for businesses to choose a manual tax system or an automatic one. So till they are not financially mentally and physically prepared the system does not force them. But the government can keep a check on those people not participating in the automated system.
  4. Ease of doing business.
  5. Each business owner automatically collects business data and predictive analytics and they can make the best decision.
  6. Even governments have data and they can create the best policies for business owners.
  7. Predictive data analytics in application also helps the government and businesses to prepare for future challenges and socioeconomic factors.


3. More powerful IT Support & Services

For the greatest customer experience, it’s important to resolve customer complaints regarding installation, training, maintenance, upgrading, etc. effectively with speed. But is challenging for a customer support system and IT support technician to assist, and care for customers’ needs by delivering technical help professionally and at a low cost.

If it takes 5 people to resolve 1 customer problem within 12 hours if the customer service desk is not able to understand the customer’s problem if the customer is not able to communicate and connect with online support quickly and in real-time then it’s important for companies to rethink about their customer support services and brand position in the market.

But now you can automate your IT support and customer support through artificial intelligence. Customer support and software, apps or chat application learn customer problems and communicate in real-time with customers.

AI-based customer service CRM applications help businesses to improve the productivity of the support team and resolve customer problems in real-time. It’s under development and but it’s going faster around the world to automate customer support that improves effective customer experience.

Chatbots with AI capabilities transform businesses to a new level. In which applications automatically respond to the customer when they face any technical problem. The simplest example is when you drag the mouse pointer to a sign-out option in the application then you see a tooltip such (as SIGN OUT) or when you hover the mouse on the B option in Microsoft word it says BOLD. And even when you press F1 in the desktop application it will open the help window.

Similar to F1 help, through artificial intelligence, it will be more powerful with chat options, FAQ according to user, and recommendations based on application work history.

And customer support teams need to acquire skills to predict, analyze, and create an autoresponder and problem-solving methods through artificial intelligence.

For example, after adding the power of artificial intelligence to an application the results will be like this:

  1. Customer A call and Support Member A start communicating with the customer, understanding the problem, adding features or resolving issues whatever it is, but now the application is learning about both customer and support member what they are talking about, what options they are selecting, and the customer feedback and reviews.
  2. Now Customer B calls and applications automatically learn, if customer B’s problem is the same as customer A then the application automatically resolved the problem without transferring the call to Support Member A.

It’s tough but it’s on the way to transforming the consumer’s life into effective products and services experiences.

Here are some important tools and examples that help you to understand how artificial intelligence improves customer experience at a low cost.

4. Effective Sales Management Process and AI marketing automation

It’s important for all kinds of businesses and companies to create a practical sales management system that monitors the team performance, builds sales techniques and manages customer databases, etc.

That’s why sales managers and sales teams need writing skills, negotiating skills, communication skills, planning and execution skills, and organizational skills to work in any condition and keep the work environment healthy, productive, and motivated.

But it’s not easy for businesses to manage salespeople or teams effectively, the creation of sales strategies, and sales training and create effective sales processes.

That’s why artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics are in the demand to create sales management tools and effective B2C, a B2B sales process that forces an automation pipeline.

For example, how do I know (human) in a second that you are interested to buy an Air purifier, how do I know that you’re interested to do take IT consultancy services, etc?  It’s tough for humans to predict user behaviors accurately without any tools (even with tools), without communication, and without our connection the analysis not be accurate.

But this is possible and 90% of the time it’s accurate with the help of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence applications.

When you search on Google for any product or when you’re interested to buy something and you talk about that on the internet or chat application (even with your friend), you get promotional emails within an hour in your inbox automatically, wherever you go on Facebook, Twitter and search on Google, you get recommendations.

It’s because the applications are integrated with each other through API and we (users) are providing access to data and information history on the internet.

That’s how the customer’s data and behaviors are copied into the sales management database. And AI-based sales management tools and the software automatically inform sales teams to call person A at 12 PM on Thursday, call Person B within an Hour or Send this Product 2.0 promotional emails to these emails ID (It’s because these email IDs are active right now on the internet.

There are lots of examples and transformations going through artificial intelligence business systems and processes in developed countries and big companies. Now small business owners have to start using trial versions of Artificial Intelligence-based sales, marketing, support, and management tools to understand how it will impact their business positively and negatively.

Top 12 Examples, How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Every day comes with new challenges and opportunities. But it’s important for humans how to transform difficult challenges into an opportunity. This is the way to live Technological Life.

What do you think about artificial intelligence’s impact on business? 

#artificialintelligence #machinelearning #predictiveanalytics

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