Backup plan for Freelancers


Hi friends, how are you? How’s is your Upwork freelancing experience so far. Don’t worry if it is average. You’re on the right path from average freelancer to great. And congratulations on top-rated Upwork freelancers. It’s your hard work and quality that you’re producing for your clients. That’s great if you share your experiences with me in the comment box.

Today’s topic is about a backup plan. If we lose what we have right now then backup helps to recover what we lost. No one knows about the future. So, I think you don’t wait for something to happen.

For example, if we are working with 2 clients and they are paying us regularly it doesn’t mean that they will pay us tomorrow or next week or next month. We do not have to depend on two or three clients. It’s great that our relations are great with clients and they are happy with our performances so far. And we are top-rated freelancers on Upwork so we don’t need a backup plan. I like it and it’s great that you have such potential that you don’t need a backup plan and you’re not thinking that much about the future.

I don’t mean that negative, I mean that you can use your current situation to grow more in your career and reach new heights. It’s not about greed. It’s about consistent learning and hard work to achieve your dreams. And the backup plan also helps you to handle tough situations in business. A freelancer is an independent worker but freelancing is a business. And I always say, do freelancing like you’re doing your own business, not a job.

So, how can you use your current situation to reach new heights? What do you have to do to create a backup plan for your freelancing career? What things you can use to create a backup plan?

What you have to do in your current situation.

I think a few things are important to create a backup plan for your freelancing career.

  1. Save time and don’t waste it on unnecessary things. But do your clients work on time?
  2. And for more time get up early, do exercise and meditation.
  3. Add fruits and healthier meals to your diet.
  4. Add worship and pray to god regularly in your work schedule.
  5. Also, use some time to walk in the heart of nature or in between the creative things.

These are things you should do regularly and required to create a backup plan and it can also help you to be top-rated 100% on Upwork.

So, when you have extra time, when you’re mentally and physically fit, when you start feeling creative, when you start saving time between busy schedules then it is the right time to create a backup plan for your freelancing business. So, what things you should do when you’re free from works or when you have an extra hour in your day.

This is my suggested backup plan for you.

The goal of this backup plan is “Don’t depend on one thing, explore more in yourself and live independently”.


Start to learn something new on YouTube related to your field. Such as if you’re a content writer then getting more knowledge about it is not a bad thing. If you’re a graphic designer then watch something creative and practice that watched skills in Adobe Photoshop or AI or whatever you use is not bad. You can also improve your communication skills by using creative ways.  Just learn something! If you learn and practice your skills daily for 1 hour then it will reflect in your work and in job proposals. This is an updated file of your life that you create and install daily. And you know that updated machines perform better.

Personal branding

You don’t need to depend on Upwork for clients. And that’s why you should brand yourself online. For example: create your Facebook page related to your skills that grab the attention of clients. And add a call to action for your skills e.g. “hire me on Upwork”. Update your LinkedIn, and Facebook profile and add your expertise in the profile e.g. Graphic Designer – hire me on Upwork. This will help you get more clients on Upwork.

Listen: I don’t mean that you can work with clients without the use of Upwork. I think you can brand yourself on the internet but ask or suggest clients hire you on Upwork. And if clients are really impressed by your skills then they can hire you anywhere on any platform. I am suggesting Upwork get professional clients and payment on time. This practice will expand your knowledge and online income.

Save money

Start savings some amount of your freelancing payment. 20% to 30% is enough to save on per project or weekly. You can save more money by not spending on unnecessary things. Savings is a great habit and they will help you in the future when you’re not getting money from clients for any reason. And saved money helps you to buy new things that you need to grow your freelancing business.

Own website

It helps in a great way when you need to showcase your skills and expertise. For example your designs, content marketing practices, data science knowledge, etc. on your personal site it is easy for clients to know about you’re your expertise. Nowadays you can find easy ways to create a website.

You just need a domain, hosting and Word Press. To learn all that you can use YouTube and How to create WordPress website blogs. There are great advantages to the website for freelancers. Just use your free time and saved money to expand your expertise worldwide web.

Other freelancing platforms: I am not experienced in other platforms but I listened about,,, etc. Every freelancing platform is different and featured other things. So, you can do little research on this. But Upwork is more competitive and there are many advantages of working on Upwork for freelancers. Another thing you can do is provide your services to offline clients and introduce yourself in the offline market to get more potential clients.


The all above five practices will help you in the future to stay confident. Consistent learning makes you expert and more knowledgeable. Personal branding helps you gain more clients and specialized authority.

The saved money will help you in the future when you’re running without clients or money. Your own website expands your knowledge and it will land more clients from Google. And you can get many benefits when your website starts getting traffic.

And the 5th one helps you to learn and earn on other freelancing platforms. Multiple income streams are better but it needs proper planning and awareness. First, work hard on one platform and then start using your time on other platforms and things.

So, I need to stop here. But don’t lose your focus. And just focus on one platform, one thing, and one skill at a time. Upwork is best but the backup plan is executed when you have time and the things I mentioned above. I saw that many freelancers are using their time to expand their knowledge and income. And you can also do it.

Any question? Don’t hesitate to ask, I will define it for you from my point of view. I am not from Upwork or suggesting myself as an Upwork expert. I just shared what I think, what is possible! 🙂

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1 thought on “Backup plan for Freelancers”

  1. Very good idea you’ve shared here, from here I can be a very valuable new experience. all things that are here will I make the source of reference, thank you friends.


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