Top 10 Benefits of learning WordPress

The most powerful benefits of WordPress are its flexibility and speed in business, personal blog, and website building process. It’s the fastest platform to build any type of website. For example, the time you invest in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a website and half of that time you will be able to build … Read more

Top 10 things you need to use to make a website

If you’re not sure what method to choose to build a website, build it on your own or hire someone, use WordPress or builder then this post will solve all of your confusion related to website building and provide your complete solution and guide that you can follow to build any type of blog, business … Read more

10 Uses of Website Every Business Owner Should Know About

A business website or web page is like blank white paper. It’s like the use of paper is different for everyone. You can write, build, use, and showcase anything in it to your customers. But most paper is used for writing and printing. Similarly, a business website is used to promote business online, sell products … Read more

How do sitemaps help a website with search engines?

Sitemap in the website is an XML file known as sitemap.xml. This file contains the structure of the website, pages, blog posts. It means that sitemap.xml is used to display content and pages under the domain. It helps readers to navigate or visit different pages on the website and it helps search engines to index … Read more

Importance of using Robots.txt file correctly to increase website traffic

If you’re losing traffic to your website make sure that robots.txt is not blocking search engine crawlers. Its effective presence not only increase traffic but if not implemented correctly then it will also decrease or prevent search engine to crawl your website. That’s why it’s important to use Robots.text file correctly on your website. Search … Read more

How to monetize blog post without losing search engine traffic

Monetization of blog posts effectively is very important for SEO, user interface and experiences. But most of us are aggressive in generating revenue from the blog and due to that, we monetize the blog with too many advertisements. And it will impact SEO and decrease the traffic to certain blog posts. So, don’t over-monetize with … Read more

How does migrating WordPress Hosting make difference in SEO

WordPress migration from a poor hosting server to a good hosting server is almost mandatory.  But what is the risk or rewards of changing your website hosting company? Does it impact SEO? The fastest, most reliable, and feature-rich hosting company is most important for any type of WordPress or non-WordPress Website. Hosting is an important … Read more

How you can create a business website – Tutorials, and Sources

There are various methods to create a business website on your own. But this post contains more than that. Here you will find a step-by-step process to create a business website on your own along with tips, tutorials, and sources. So, I hope you will like it: 1. Make a list of goals that you … Read more

Create Your Own eCommerce Website with These 11 Step-by-Step Guidelines

A self-hosted eCommerce website designing or building process is a systematic method or workflow in which includes product listing, content creation, domain booking, hosting, website creation, support and marketing activities. It’s also the process for the shopkeeper to follow to automate selling by using the eCommerce website. While running an eCommerce website you also need … Read more

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