Can you learn web development on your own?

Can you learn web development on your own?

If I say ‘yes,’ you might seek to emulate the path I followed, but is that path still relevant today? Alternatively, if I endorse a specific course or method, promising that you can learn web development on your own, you may wonder if it’s truly feasible. Unfortunately, this confusion often leads many students to waste … Read more

Freelancing Beyond Freelance Platforms

Freelancing Beyond Freelance Platforms

In this post, we’re discussing the challenges and limitations faced by freelancers when using platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
Mostly, we’re emphasizing that freelancing extends beyond these platforms and discussing alternative methods for promoting services and finding work online. We’re also stressing the importance of perseverance and exploring different avenues, even if they seem challenging at first, to succeed as a freelancer.

Website and Web Application Intro: Differences and Similarities

Website and Web Application Intro: Differences and Similarities

A website is a collection of web pages stored in a folder hosted on a hosting server. Various types of websites exist, including simple single-page business websites, portfolio websites, blogs, portals, and eCommerce stores. Each is designed to provide data and information to the public or target audience. Websites are predominantly static, serving to provide … Read more

Is WordPress-Optimized Hosting Good for Your Website?

Is WordPress-Optimized Hosting Good for Your Website?

Explore the cutting-edge advantages of WordPress hosting – with features such as optimized servers, efficient content delivery, and enhanced performance for your business website’s success.

Hva Er Strøm? (What is electricity?)

what is electricity

Electricity is defined by the movement of electrons. Electrons are charged particles that carry an electric charge — either positive or negative– that govern their path through space. Electrons in an atom’s nucleus have an extremely strong force of attraction to protons, while those in its outer shells don’t share this strength and can easily … Read more

How to find time to learn web development skills?

How to find time to learn web development skills

Finding time to learn web development skills is a common issue. However, this blog post provides practical, actionable tips to consistently, quickly, and effectively learn web development.

How can you make it easy to become a web developer?

Is it hard to become a web developer?

Discover how to become a web developer – from learning code to facing challenges. Start your journey in web development today! Explore web development tips, career advice, and more!

Top 10 Uses of JavaScript in Web Development

Top 10 Uses of JavaScript in Web Development

The world of web development without JavaScript is empty. Java Script is a powerful technology that enables developers and businesses to create dynamic websites. In this post, you can explore its versatile uses for creating exceptional online experiences on a website.

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Importance of self study for students

Importance of self study for students