Online Classes vs Traditional Classes Essay


Online classes, online courses, and online degree programs look interesting, comfortable, and also challenging. But there are companies earning millions of dollars by providing education online.

People especially the higher middle class spend money on online educational apps.

Online education is a ready-made educational product for students. Online courses and classes are artificial. While traditional classes or in-person classes, and offline degree programs are service-based products but have a physical presence.

Teachers have to serve education each day with their own creativity, situation, the mood of the class, and experiences.

Students can ask for answers. The answer is according to the student’s persona or past performance when students’ and teachers’ interaction happens in traditional classes. This is a lack of online classes and yet robots, an online educator can’t analyze the situation of students sitting remotely in different environments and behaving like an influencer than a teacher.

But let’s learn in more detail, what are the benefits of online classes, and If it is good to take online classes for you or if you’re a parent, do you think it’s an option (especially in the covid-19 situation)?

Following are the differences between online classes and traditional or in-personal classes:

1. You can take online classes whenever you get time. It can be during travel by bus, car, train, or plane. It’s not possible in traditional classes. You have to be in class on the time according to a pre-fixed schedule and mostly a fixed place. But online classes give you time to manage yourself for learning. In traditional classes, you have to be on time. It means online classes have options for time management. But in a traditional class, you don’t have options for time management, you have to get time for class no matter what are your priorities.

2. Online classes require discipline. You can be careless while taking online classes and courses:

You can ignore the consistency and development of skills within yourself without discipline. On another side, in-person classes do not wait for you and your best mood. Traditional classes keep running no matter whether you’re in the mood for learning or not.  It’s challenging for you but it’s the key to building discipline as soon as possible earlier in life.

3. Traditional classes and learning by following a routine, help to build a strong learning foundation (passion for excellence) in your mind that remains unbreakable for your whole life. And you will never give up on any situation in your career, projects, and business. It’s because you’re disciplined to learn.

4. While in online classes, it’s very difficult to build discipline. It’s because online classes are available on mobile, tablet or laptop and you know that you can’t even stop yourself from checking social media status then think about kids, and teenagers, can they stop themselves?
That’s why online classes are best suited for mature students but not for teenagers until they are not well-disciplined to study online.

5. Here is a fact for you: You know that all kind of education is available on the internet for people. But then why people are not able to implement that education in their life, career, and business? Why people are still struggling for employment, why they are giving up on the business, and why they are feeling frustrated? While many are able to do it. But how?
The answer is simple, passion for excellence and learning. But for many students, just focus on learning not on the method.

6. It’s tough to drop traditional classes. Each class and course is based on certain goals. After the semester you have to participate in exams and it’s the fear that makes it possible for you to attend each topic and class. Online classes or courses do not have that many boundaries. And that’s why many students do not complete online courses and classes.

7. In traditional classes, teachers have the responsibility to educate and train students in certain skills. And for that, they do the hard work and use their creativity according to students’ responses. But in online classes, the hard work and pre-designed creativity or are ready-made educational products in which teachers are unable to find out the mindset of students, expression, and present behaviors, and the answers are not personalized.

8. You can’t continue the questions with teachers. There is just 1 answer. But if I have another question about teachers’ answers then where do I look?
That’s why in traditional classes, you can ask questions about the teacher’s answers and history. And teachers have to use their own expertise, experience, and creativity so that they will be able to provide knowledge to passionate learners.

9. In online classes, teachers are not able to understand your questions, past experiences, study environment, financial conditions, and personality. But in traditional classes, when you ask any certain question it’s easy for teachers to understand you and your questions because you’re present in the class or interacting in person.

10. You can’t learn and understand and become skilled in everything by taking online courses or joining online classes:

There are many skills and topics in a course or syllabus which you have to practice in front of teachers such as Graphics Designing, English and Hindi Typing, etc. teachers have to see, how you’re performing. And this is possible in the best ways in traditional classes.

11. In online courses, online classes you do not get an immediate answer to your questions. And many students are unable to ask questions from instructors. The longer you find the answer the less excited you will feel about it.

Even many teachers do not have answers to students’ questions. Questions and answering required a little more interactions and communication layers than just likes and comments.

It takes time for teachers in online classes to answer all the questions of students.  In in-person classes, there is a time and a method to answer. Sometimes answers are not in the text, they can be an image, they can be in an assignment, or they can be in any form of creativity. And it’s tough in online classes to explore possibilities for answers.

12. There is a high chance of this is that in online classes and online courses support teams, are not teams of teachers, but are trained sales and customer support people. You can’t identify if you’re interacting with teachers or bots or sales support.

13. Online courses, and online degree programs are less costly than traditional classes. It takes 40000 to 10000 offline to learn PHP programming or website designing skills, but in online classes, you can learn such skills in less than 10,000. The price of education or knowledge or course is never like vegetable prices (e.g. 2 KG apple, in $2), knowledge is priceless but the world compares knowledge with its prices too. In that comparison, online classes and courses are less costly for students than offline.

14. Online classes and online courses are open to all types of students, and people worldwide. Online courses and classes are free from casteism, communism, poor and rich, and black-and-white comparisons. Everything is available for everyone in the same way and quantity. But in the traditional classroom or before admission school and colleges asks, “are you below the poverty line (IRDP), or SC, ST, etc.

15. The cost of conducting online classes is less for colleges and universities. They are required less infrastructure such as tables, chairs, boards, teachers, admission and examination process, etc. But in traditional classes, it consumes many things.

16. In online classes, you’re free to complete the course with your own learning capacity. I mean the speed of learning can be fast and slow and it supports all kinds of configured students.

In traditional classes, some students are slow to respond and slow to understand the topic, in that case, many times their doubts are skipped. And not all care, because teachers have to care more about the completion of the syllabus, they have a deadline from the principal, chancellor, and dean’s office. Everyone has to be answered by everyone. But in this case, the learners remain doubtful about the topics. Such doubts in students’ minds create conflicts of interest and points of debate later in their careers.

17. In online courses, you can find out the syllabus which one is the best for you before enrolment. You can find out about it by seeing the total enrolled students, feedback and reviews, course content, and teachers’ experience. But in traditional classes you don’t know whether the class content is up to date or not if a teacher is experienced ? or is it in a teaching job just after the approach of political leaders?

18. You can’t get lifetime access to the Traditional Classes. But it’s the advantage of online classes that you can access them on any device anytime.

19. Online classes/online degrees are more suitable for higher classes such as for college students or bachelor’s students.  Online classes required some technical and basic computer/internet knowledge.

20. Traditional classes are based on country development goals and online classes are more based on keywords. It means online courses, classes, and syllabi are created after researching keywords about what you want to learn or what people are searching for on Search Engines. In other ways, traditional classes have specific reasons.

21. In online classes, you don’t have many options to participate in the project/assignment and experiments. You can just watch and predict. In traditional classes, you can participate, touch, and feel what’s happening during the experiments/projects. You have an active role in the assignment. For example, you can learn and watch how to filter crude oil, but you can’t do it in real-time at home, because many things are not available for all students at that time.

22. It’s tough to learn from other enrolled students in online classes. You can read the comments. But most of them are spam. You can build a network with similar students, but it also takes time to build trust and even it’s challenging in offline interactions. But in traditional classes, there are many chances to learn from classmates, such as any student can ask a creative question that they you never imagined connected to the class topic, and you will learn this for free. It’s not happening yet in online classes.

Education is not what students like to learn, education is what is good for them to learn.

In conclusion, I must say that both are beneficial. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s important for you to understand the importance of the subject.

For beginner students, it’s important for them to take traditional degree and diploma courses. Once they are efficient in the basics of any subject and got learning abilities then they can join online degree programs. It’s similar for IT students to only join online IT degree programs after the basics of Computer and computer science.

But the exception is this, if you have great learning skills (willing to learn to achieve any particular goals) then it’s not a problem of method, no matter whether you join online classes or traditional or in-person classes. You’re here for the learning.

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