Importance of parents in our life


The importance of parents in life depends on our sanskaras and thinking. Parents play the biggest role in our development. Father & Mother play an important role in our mental, physical, social, financial, and career development.

They help us in every step of our life. Parents are the most precious gift of God for humans. When we are happy then they are happy. They slapped us when we did wrong. In a time of mistakes, they are like a teacher. They trained us very hard style for future challenges.

Parents are living for us. They are real God and our first teacher. They know everything about us. What we like, love, and our common habits. They know what things disturb us and what kind of mental attitude we have. That’s why I think why is parents’ involvement important in a child’s education and early childhood development.

Because when we give our children the freedom to choose any offline or online education platform and stream, it will make them happy. Parenting a child is not easy. There are great positive effects of parental involvement in education. And I think understanding kids’ freedom, interest, happiness, and passion will impact their studies and career.  But let’s discuss today only the importance of parents in life.

Let’s understand the following points, Why parents are important? Why you should respect them and their decisions in life.

1. Importance of parents when we’re a child

Importance of parents when we're a child

In the development of the child, they play many roles: A child needs to be mentally and physically strong. Parents provide everything helpful in our development. And sometimes they don’t have the money for the things that they want. Yes, but they arrange and do everything to see the smile on our faces.

They give us milk, fruits, and proper food from time to time for our physical growth. They provide us with toys and things that we can play with. They allow us to play outside the home with our friends and neighbors. They carry us to all the places they go to.  They teach and explain practically and theoretically about the rituals and Sanskaar.

Seeing them we start following their path. If they’re respected in society then we become so. By following the parent’s activities and lessons our neighbors and relatives started to seem to appreciate. And the Sanskaar and rituals that our parents had taught us are helping today in our life.

2. Parents help to make us educated

Parents help to make us educated

Parents do almost all the things to make us educated and well-respected in society. They admitted us to schools and colleges for better education. They make all the sacrifices and reduce their living costs for the future of their children.

They provide everything to us, whenever and whatever we need and wherever we need. Parents work hard day and night for their children’s education. And they feel proud of us when we get good marks in results. Their guidance and support help us to live the life we always wanted.

3. Importance of parents’ guidance in adolescence

Importance of parents’ guidance in adolescence

Our teenage activities play a big role in the direction of our life and career. This is the tensest situation for our parents and it is the most enjoyable for us. No matter what you’re doing right or wrong. But they’re always connected to you at this stage.

We make lots of mistakes at this age, we try to convince our parents every time about our activities with the outside world. Such as outing with friends, living with a friend, studying a particular subject, or doing any other activity that parents think is not good. In this, our parents are only tense about the bad company.

They want to know at this age you what you’re doing, where you’re going, what you’re eating/drinking, who is with you etc. And the tension is for you. I think most of us know about the bad companies in our society. Bad companies of people and friends drive our lives in the wrong direction. So, at this age, it is really important to us that we communicate our feelings to our parents. And parents also need to talk to their kids in their teenage.

We need friends to share our feelings and our parents know about this. They know by thinking about their teenage time. What right or wrong they did and what were their results? They help in our teenage by guiding us from our own experiences and thinking about our day-to-day activities.

Parent guidance in teenagers is more important than other people’s advice. We know that it was and it is very tough to follow the advice especially when it is from parents. But without their advice and their happiness, we can’t achieve what we want. Their blessings and guidance in our teenage helped us to choose good friends, the right career, and the happiest life.

4. Importance of parents when we’re in tough situations

When something bad happens or we do wrong they scold us but they support us in our difficult times in life. Whatever the situation or whatever the problem that we are facing in life, career, and job they try and motivate and inspire us by their examples to make tough into good. They try to make balance our emotional persistence which helps to improve tough situations faster.

Importance of parents when we're in tough situations

They are the real leader in our life and they never show off this to us and never dominate our feelings. It’s ok, that sometimes we feel dissatisfied and sore from them. We started behaving differently opposite to how we do, and the sooner they judge that something wrong is happening with us.

That’s why when the outer world or people leave us alone, our parents are the only ones who support us in every step of our lives with smiles and happiness.

5. Importance of parents in decisions

Parents help us when we’re confused in life. What to do or what not to do? They help us in making important decisions in life like marriage, job, business or living alone. They consult our interests with others; they talk to others about our feelings to get some idea or to feel secure that our decision is correct that we want to take.

We know that sometimes they don’t like our decision and behave very rudely toward us, but in the end, they choose our happiness other than their interests. They want a happy life for us and for that, they compromised thousands of things.

6. Parents are always happy for us

Parents are always happy for us

We know that they are happy because we’re happy. They are happy even if you give them your second-hand phone. But they give you 4G or 5G or iPhone to use. No one can do this in the world; only our parents can do such amazing things. They don’t mind if you’re living in the city for business or a job. They just want you’re live happily.

7. Parents help us in balancing our life and thoughts after marriage:

After the marriage, our thoughts, behaviors, and expectations changed. Marriage makes us responsible for our own and our spouse’s life. Whatever decision we make, we have to consider our family. Our spouse expects love, care, friendship, good behavior, and guidance.

But most people don’t have such habits of doing it. For example, most entrepreneurs and business leaders think, behave, act, and manage time differently than those working as government employees or handling family businesses.
For example, some young entrepreneurs have the habit of working till late at night. Similarly, some of them have the habit of using doing chatting with friends regularly.

Our old behaviors, habits, and expectations need to change after marriage. But many resist change. And many even don’t think about it. But these old habits after the marriage become the reasons for conflicts, small fights, and stress. These days people believe more in showing off. And such things unbalance life for a few months or years after the marriage.
But if you’re still living and connected with your parents after the marriage then they will become the bridge between you both(husband & wife).

Our parents educate us, on how to behave with a wife or husband. How to manage life. How to ignore small and daily conflicts. How to love and live happily with each other. How to care for each other. How to understand each other career and business goals. And how to support each other in difficult and tough situations.

No one better than parents can help and educate us about life after marriage. Those who are not living with their parents due to any reason, have to face such challenges.

But not all parents do the same. I saw that many parents become the reasons behind the fight between their kids (husband and wife). It can be also due to a lack of understanding and lack of communication.

But I highly believe that parents always want to see the life of their kids happy and successful after the marriage. And they do their best to make the bond strong between you and your spouse.

It’s tough these days to think like this or behave like this because nowadays our source of education and information is not only from parents. Most people don’t filter the information and education. People don’t have time to understand each other. And I have seen family conflicts with highly-educated or lower-educated people.

But still, with the help of parents, most of us can solve our family conflicts or stress situations with a spouse.

And think, if your parents were not there or they didn’t guide you, then how your life would be today?

That’s why parents are not only important and play a great role before marriage but their guidance and support are more important after our marriage in life.

8. Parents help to raise our kids, especially newly born kids: 

Our parents love our kids (grandchildren). In our local quotes, “We’re the capital of our parents and our kids are the interest (return) on the capital”. 🙂 They will love and care for them more than you.

Mother (husband’s mother) and your own mother will help you to raise your newly born kids. They will guide you on how to take care of the kids. If your grandmother is there, then, believe me, you will never need the advice of doctors regarding the minor illnesses of kids. Still, you can research and contact me.
But my point is not that, my point is that becoming a mother is very challenging and a dream of many. Even if it’s 5 to 6 months before and after the delivery is more challenging for mothers.

Who helps and guides you in that? Who understands your tensions at that time? Who makes you confident?

Obviously, your parents and God. Sorry, but those who don’t have their parents anymore with them still remember their parents and guidance.
And those who don’t have anything. Then nature (God) helps them. Nature has also going through this process for many years.

So if you’re getting the support of parents and your parents are guiding you to raise your newly born kids (infant) then you’re lucky and follow their guidance and also use your common sense in some points. But you have to believe in them. They raised you. Now they know better how to raise your kids.
If you can learn, you can learn from your parents, how they have taken care of you and developed you. You will have to transform or implement those methods and your good habits in your kids.

9. Parents’ role in our career development:

No one can ignore the importance of parents in career development. Directly or indirectly they help us and support our career choices.

20 years ago kids students were not aware much of their career choices. Most parents implement and inspire kids to follow their path. If any of the parents was doing a job or business then they want and expect their kids to do the same. Many of the kids followed the path of their parents.

But 20 to 30 years ago, those people who were not businessmen, not government employees, and even not well educated, what did their kids do? What did those parents tell their kids?

How those parents have inspired their kids to become successful in their careers? It was challenging for them even to get good quality food, clothes, and shelter. And then how in that situation do they raise their kids and build them successful? How many sacrifices they did?

They have taught their kids the following things:

  • Don’t sell your value for money.
  • Don’t do robbery and fraud with people.
  • Don’t tell lies.
  • Work hard and prove yourself.
  • God will be the guide.
  • Keep consistency in your hard work.
  • Work with full focus and dedication.
  • Respect everyone.
  • Never stop learning

Many of those kids are today successful in life, career, and business. And proved that it’s not important how many facilities you have for growth. Instead, how strong your values, education, deeds, and commitments will matter. Nature provides the path for those, who are willing to succeed.

Who will teach those lessons to those kids?

Parents. Only parents are taught to respect teachers. But those parents who haven’t respected their teachers will never be able to teach their kids to respect others.

Today, I saw that many parents can provide all types of facilities to their kids. They are doing it, because they afford it financially. And another reason behind that is that they haven’t got such facilities when they were kids.
But people argue about that with their parents. They blame their parents for their failures in life.
It’s very bad. Never blame your parents for failure in your life. They did everything for you. Even if they didn’t, might be they were not able to do it due to many reasons.

Suppose, you got everything. Will you struggle or work hard? If you’re providing 7 to 1000000 rupees car to go to college for your kids? Will they understand the value of money that they can save by using public transport?

The point is simple, parents do everything possible. Like you’re doing for your kids. But after 20 years, they will also say to you, that you haven’t done much for them. No one will be satisfied fully with others. Not that we’re from our parents, also not our kids from us. We do what is possible to do. Only we understand this.

Now we’re understanding it because we’re now parents. And only parents can understand the pain and sacrifices of parents better.

So I know that I don’t have to tell you anything to understand the value of parents in our career and business development.

I know friends, we can’t explain our parent’s feelings, compromises, appreciation, qualities, and importance on one page. Even thousands of pages are too small to write about the importance of parents in our lives.

But friends, I suggest that you should take care of your parents. Always talk to them, and never ignore them for others. Feel proud of your parents. Respect their views, follow their guidelines, and communicate with them about your problems. Talk to them. Don’t change yourself to show off.

This world not going to give you anything, everything remains on this planet but parents are not with us all the time. We all have to go one day. So make every minute precious.

So, it is important that we love and respect their feelings. Follow and remember their guides and the compromises they are doing or did for us. Just follow the right things in life, and do the important things that matter to us in our career and business.

Everything else is fake, but parents are the most important people in our lives. Respect your parents. Believe in parents and share the importance of parents in life with others. What do you think, do you want to share, what is the importance of parents in life?

Roye to Hansaaya ,
Bhaage to Bulaaya ,
Jab roothe to Manaaya ,
Neend Lagee to Sulaaya ,
bhook lagee to Khilaaya ,
Jag ne hamako Bisaraaya ,
Maa  Baap ne Gale se Lagaaya !

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10 thoughts on “Importance of parents in our life”

  1. It is a really very good essay that tells about the parents’ importance in our life
    And the writer has good English skills
    We both can understand beginners and experts easily


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